The following is the text of a press release sent out to media across the region
The Wessex Regionalists condemn the decision by central government in London to proceed with the A303 Short Stonehenge Tunnel scheme. The project, devastating the World Heritage Site, again exposes the UK as a pariah state with no respect for international law. Calls for judicial review of this ill-considered decision have been made and we believe that is the right course of action.
Highways England describe the project as part of the ‘Expressway to the South West’. The name is revealing. This is not about creating permanent jobs in south Wiltshire. It is about shortening the journey time between Londoners and their weekend cottages in the peninsula. The well-being of Wessex does not depend on faster links to London: indeed, the less we have to do with London the better.
English Heritage also come out of this episode very poorly, putting the Disneyfication of their site above harm to real archaeology.
There were – and remain – better solutions.