Abate | v | Bate |
Abcess | n | Apse |
Able | adj | Worthy |
Abort | v | Strat |
About | prep | Abouten |
About (of time) | prep | Across |
Abroad | adv | Abroady |
Abscess | n | Nabsy, Nimpingang |
Abscond | v | Slope |
Abstain | v | Stinch |
Abundance | n | Abundation, Mort |
Abundant | adj | Geleez |
Abuse | v | Miscall |
Abuse verbally | v | Ballyrag, Land-Damn |
Abuse, verbal | n | Balderdash |
Abusing | v | Tagraling |
Abusive | adj | Abuseful, Buseful, Busey |
Accidentally | adv | Promiscuous |
Accompany | phr | Bring Going |
Accost | v | Board |
Accuse | v | Chastise, Wrag |
Accustom | v | Usen |
Accustomed to | adj | Adapted |
Accustomed to, become | v | Haunt |
Acorn | n | Mass, Mastick, Jove's Nut, Ovest |
Acorns used as food for pigs | n | Pannage |
Acorns, cups of | n | Frying-pans |
Acquaint | v | Quaint |
Acrid | adj | Rumped |
Across | prep | Athwart |
Across fields | adv | Fieldways |
Active | adj | Litty |
Add (maths) | n | Sum |
Add cold water to boiling pot | v | Galler |
Adder | n | Addick |
Addicted | pp | Dicted |
Addition | n | Yuckning |
Address | n | Direction |
Address as sir | v | Sir |
Adhere | v | Clib |
Adhere to the pan while boiling (of milk) | v | Grew |
Adhesive | adj | Loving |
Adjoining | adj | Onto |
Adjust | v | Just |
Admire | v | Mire |
Adorn | v | Pink |
Adorned | adj | Ornified |
Adulterated (of bread) | adj | Chuckley |
Advantage | n | Boot |
Advice | n | Vice |
Advise | v | Say |
Adze | n | Attice |
Affected | adj | Mimpsy-Pimsy |
Affection | n | Kindness |
Affidavit | n | Davy, Solemn-Swuth |
Affront | n/v | Front |
Affronted | adj | Begrumpled |
Afraid | adj | Agast |
Afraid of ghosts | n | Gastly-Thoughted |
After | prep | Apast, From |
Aftergrass | n | Tawer |
Aftermath | n | Yemmell, Yeomath |
Again | prep | Against |
Against | prep | Gin |
Age | v | Falter |
Aggravate | v | Tittervate |
Aggregate | n | Rucket |
Aggressive | adj | Fightable |
Aglet-headed rush | n | Paintbrushes |
Ago | adv | Agone |
Agonising | adj | Rampant |
Agree | v | Gree |
Agreeable | adj | Greeable |
Agricultural | adj | Farmeric |
Ailing | adj | Meeking, Pinking, Pinnicking |
Ailment of cows | n | Udder-Ill |
Air-dry | v | Haze, Hazle |
Airhead | n | Mudd |
Ajar | adj | Ashard, Ashore, Sam-Ope |
Akimbo | adj | King-Bow |
Alabaster | n | Alablaster |
Alarm | v | Raft |
Alas | int | Alack, Alas-A-Day |
Alcoholic | n | Startler |
Alder | n | Arl, Hollard |
Alderman | n | Bailie |
Ale, new | n | Grout |
Alehouse | n | Mughouse, Nale |
Alfalfa | n | Merrick |
Algae | n | Cunie |
Alight | v | Unlight |
Alike | adj | Muchety, Much of a |
All alone | adj | Post Alone |
All Saints' Day | n | All-Hallow, Hallowmas |
All Saints' Week | n | Hallantide |
Alley | n | Tewer |
Alleyway | n | Drang, Drangut |
Allotment | n | Dole, Lotment |
Allow | v | Leave, Low |
Almond-coloured | n | Nutty-white |
Almost | prep | Anewst, Injist |
Alms | n | Almous |
Almshouse | n | Umpsouze |
Aloft | adv | Aboon |
Alone | adv | Lone |
Along | prep | Long |
Already | adv | Since |
Alternate | adj | Otheren |
Always | adv | Still (2) |
Alyssam | n | Alice |
Amaze | v | Gule, Maze |
Amazingly | adv | Mazing |
Amazon | n | Shamnel |
Amble | v | Swankum |
Ambush | n | Huddy-Box |
Amends | n | Mends |
Ammonites | n | Conger-Eels |
Amorous | adj | Rive |
Amuse | v | Muse, Gammet, Gammock |
Amusement | n | Gammon |
Sheep, Enclosure for | n | Angle-Berry |
Barley, Instrument for removing the spears from | n | Ailing-Iron |
Older woman, not necessarily a relative | n | Aunt |
Anatomy | n | Natomy |
And if | conj | Niff |
Andirons | n | Andier-Dogs |
Andirons | n | Cob-Irons, Neal |
Anemone | n | Emony |
Angry | adj | Diddlecome, Spiritual, Wrathy |
Animal of Scottish breed | n | Scot |
Animal, barren | n | Yeld |
Animal, small | n | Dotchell |
Anirons | n | An-Dogs |
Ankle | n | Ancliff |
Annato | n | Colouring |
Annoyed | adj | Naggled, Pricked |
Annoying and oblivious | adj | Sorry, Neither sick nor |
Annual festival of friendly society | n | Club-walk |
Another | pron | Nother |
Antics | n | Dido |
Anvil used by coopers | n | Beak-Iron |
Anxiety | n | Cark |
Any | adj | Ever A |
Any time | adv | Any When |
Anything | pron | Aught |
Anything diminutive | n | Winnick |
Anything excellent | n | Reamer |
Anything that falls off with a clatter | n | Shattle-Bag |
Apothecary | n | Potecary |
Apparently | adv | Shim |
Appear | v | Pear |
Appearance | n | Appear |
Appetite | n | Chaw |
Apple and quince pie | n | Trotter-Pie |
Apple blossom | n | Apple-Blowth |
Apple dumpling | n | Apple-Bout, Tantading, Tud |
Apple fritter | n | Fisher |
Apple must | n | Pomace |
Apple pie | n | Keech |
Apple pulp | n | Apple-Pummy |
Apple pulp left in cider press | n | Mock |
Apple ripening around August 1st | n | Lammas-apple |
Apple tree in a hedge | n | Grubbel |
Apple turnover | n | Apple-Foot, Apple-Stucklin, Scutlin, Stuckling |
Apple, Blenheim Orange | n | Kempster |
Apple, cooking | n | Biffin |
Apple, Devonshire Quarrenden | n | Summering, Tan-Hill Apple |
Apple, early-ripening | n | Jennet |
Apple, large | n | Buffcoat |
Apple, prematurely ripe | n | Crickling |
Apple, shrivelled | n | Scrunchling |
Apple, small | n | Griggle, Helde, Scriggin |
Apple, small and wrinkled | n | Crumpling |
Apple, small sweet | n | Crink, Crinkling |
Apple, undersized | n | Scriggle, Scriggling |
Apple, variety of | n | Caraway, Griffin, Pomewater, Quarrener, Quinch, Stire, Streaked-Jack, Stubberd, Varpney |
Apples left over after harvest | n | Clearings |
Apply oneself to | v | Hackle |
Appoint | v | Accuse |
Appoint | v | Point |
Appropriate | adj | Genteel |
Approval | n | Approof |
Apricot | n | Abricock, Apricock |
Apt to fade | adj | Fadesome |
Apt to splinter into circular pieces (of wood) | adj | Cup-Shaky |
Arable (of land) | adj | Ploughed |
Arable land, chalky | n | Pinny-Land |
Arch | adj | Praent |
Areas frequented by haddock | n | Haddock-sands |
Argue | v | Cavil, Harg, Jangle, Jarl |
Argument | n | Brangle |
Armpit | n | Arm-Hole |
Around (of time) | prep | Across |
Arrogant | adj | Bounceful |
Arrow-slit | n | Dream-Hole |
Arsonist | n | Lewis-cat |
Arum | n | Arrow-Root |
As if | conj | Sauf |
As soon as | adv | S'lay |
Ascents to a railway bridge | n | Bridge-ramps |
Ash tree used medicinally on cattle | n | Shrew-ash |
Ash Wednesday | n | Cussin-day |
Ash Wednesday, liturgy of | n | Cussin-service |
Ashes | n | Axen |
Ashes, heap of | n | Smoulder |
Ash-keys | n | Kit-keys |
Ash-pan | n | Saver |
Askance | adv | Sideways |
Askew | adj | Ban-Twivy Twist, Scarry-Whiff, Squy |
Asparagus | n | Sperage |
Aspen | n | Aps, Asp. Pipple, Snapsen |
Aspire | v | Speer |
Assault | v | Sault |
Assess | v | Level |
Assist ship into or out of harbour | v | Hobble |
Assize | n | Size |
Assuage | v | Swage |
Assure | v | Barenhond, Sure |
Asthma | n | Fowst |
Asthmatic | adj | Bussicky, Pusky, Tissicky |
Astonish | v | Spiflicate, Stunner |
Astride | prep | Ascride, Astraddle |
Asunder | prefix | To- |
Asylum | n | Sylum |
At length | adj | Late, at |
At night | adv | Anight, Nitums |
Attack | v | Attact. Tack |
Attack (of hen) | v | Flux |
Attempt | v | Oss, Shuff, Tempt |
Attend | v | Tend |
Attentive | adj | Tentful |
Attorney | n | Torney |
Auction | n | Survey |
Auctions | n | Ockshuns |
Audacious | adj | Boldacious. Dacious, Outdacious |
Auger | n | Borier |
Aunt | n | N-Aunt |
Auricula | n | Bazier, Bear's Ears, Reckless |
Avail | v | Vail |
Awake | adj | Awaked |
Away from | prep | Fromward |
Awful | adj | Worse than Dirty Butter |
Awkward | adj | Cawking, Chammish, Scammish, Skiff, Unsooterly |
Awl | n | N-Awl |
Awns | n | Spile |
Awns of barley | n | Pile |
Awry | adj | Ahuh, Aslew, Ban-Twivy-Twist |
Axe used for paring turf | n | Beat-Axe |
Axe, double-edged | n | Bisgy |
Axle | n | Arm, Ax |
Axle (of wagon) | n | Bussel |
Axle-grease | n | Dodment, Dudmun |