Fact, verifiable | n | Verable |
Fade (of daylight) | v | Pink |
Faded | adj | Dabrified |
Faggot (of wood) | n | Bavin, Nicket, Thicket, Wipe |
Faggot-wood | n | Lop |
Fail | v | Misgive, Misgo |
Faint | adj | Fainty, Wang |
Fair, last day of | n | Packing-penny day |
Faith | int | Fay |
Faiths | n | Vazen |
Fake-limp | v | Clink |
Fall | v | Surge |
Fall (in wrestling) | n | File |
Fall heavily | v | Squelch, Squelp |
Fall, flying | n | Flounce |
Fall, heavy | n | Flump |
Fallow land | n | Old-Land |
Falsehood | n | Lift |
Familiarity | n | Traffick |
Fancy-Schmancy | adj | Whirry-Go-Nimble |
Fangs of dog | n | Holder |
Far apart | adj | Gappy |
Farcy | n | Fashion |
Farm cart | n | Truckamuck |
Farm labourer | n | Chap, Hind |
Farmer, slovenly | n | Farmer Arternoon |
Farmer's head man | n | Fogger |
Farmhand | n | Shuffler |
Farmyard | n | Barken, Barton |
Farriering | v | Faryering |
Farrow of pigs | n | Farth |
Fashion | n | Kick |
Fashionable | adj | Fassy |
Fast asleeo | n | Firm Asleep |
Fasten | v | Trig |
Fasten gate with a rope | v | Cringle |
Fastidious | adj | Choice |
Fat | adj | Gutty |
Fat covering the intestines of edible animals | n | Brack |
Fat person | n | Squab |
Fat slag | n | Blowze, Vuddicks |
Fat-faced | adj | Bluff |
Fathead | n | Fatty-yead |
Fatigued | adj | Fattigued |
Fatted (of animal) | adj | Brave |
Fatten cattle | v | Graze |
Fatty tissue around pig's liver | n | Crow |
Faucet | n | Quill |
Fault-finding | v | Holing |
Fear | v | Winny |
Feast-day at University of Oxford | n | Gaudy |
Feat, daring | n | Croddy |
Feather bed | n | Bed-Tie. Tie |
February | n | Sowlegrove |
Fee for trading licence | n | Tolsery |
Feeble | adj | Squeal |
Feebly | adv | Taperell |
Feed | n, v | Bait |
Feed livestock | v | Supper |
Feeling | n | Feelding |
Feint | n | Fitten |
Fellow | n | Fulla |
Fence made of twigs | n | Wattling |
Fence, thorny | n | Rift |
Fencing with single sticks | n | Back-Stick, Backsword, Backswording |
Fender (of fireplace) | n | Purgatory |
Fennel | n | Spignel, Spingel |
Fermented | adj | Furmety |
Fern | n | Veerdon |
Ferret | n | Pougy |
Ferry | n | Passage |
Fertile | adj | Foody |
Fertilise | v | Battle, Noculate, Sweeten |
Fester | v | Fewster, Ronkle, Wrangle |
Festivities | n | Doings |
Fetid | adj | Feat |
Fetlock | n | Fetterlock |
Fetlock arthrodesis (in horses) | n | Night-Fall |
Fetter | n | Logger |
Fever | n | Harm |
Feverfew | n | Midsummer Daisy |
Few | adj | Lite, Two-Three |
Fib | v | Stram |
Fibres, coarse | n | Kemps |
Fibrous inner bark of lime tree | n | Bast |
Fiddle | n | Crowd, Crowdy, Humstrum |
Fiddle, crude | n | Rumpum-Scrumpum |
Fiddler (derog.) | n | Scraper |
Fidget | v | Fig, Frick, Frickle, Friggle, Jiffle, Mop, Wrile |
Fidgety | adj | Fritchety |
Fied restharrow | n | Gorse |
Field | n | Shade |
Field bindweed | n | Barweed |
Field containing footpath | n | Path-field |
Field, sloping | n | Bank |
Field, unploughed part of | n | Lawn |
Fielder (cricket) | n | Scout |
Fieldfare | n | Felt, Vulver |
Field-mouse | n | Mouel |
Fierce | adj | Fess |
Fiery | adj | Flashy |
Figwort | n | Brunnet, Squarrib |
Filbert | n | Filbeard |
Filling | adj | Stougher |
Film | n | Vellum |
Filth | n | Tata |
Filthy | adj | Scandalous |
Finch | n | Flinch, Spink |
Find | v | Lighten |
Fine (of weather) | adj | Breeding |
Finery | n | Gaudery |
Finished | pp | Ago |
Fir cone | n | Cave, Oyster |
Fire, large | n | Glorum |
Fire-Shovel | n | Sifter, Vire-Pan |
Firewood | n | Ollet, Pimp |
Fireworks | n | Backrackets |
Firkin | n | Knog |
First line thrown out of the boat by salmon fishers in the Severn | n | Debut |
First milk drawn from a cow after calving | n | Cherry-Curds |
Fish for eels | v | Quod |
Fish offal | n | Gubbings |
Fish with line from boat | v | Whiff |
Fish, bottom-feeding | n | Conners |
Fish-basket | n | Cowell |
Fishing net | n | Bosom |
Fishing net, small | n | Donny |
Fishmonger | n | Jowter |
Fishmonger, female | n | Chowter |
Fissures | n | Chinkers |
Fist | n | Neive Pud, Vice |
Fit | adj | Witt |
Fit for hunting | adj | Runnable |
Fit for sowing (of land) | n | Season |
Fits and starts | phr | Fits and Girds |
Fitting | adj | Feat, Fitten, Fitty |
Five bundles of straw | n | Stoop |
Five years old or over (of stag) | adj | Warrantable |
Fivepence | n | Fippence, Fitpence, Vitpence |
Five-shilling piece | n | Dollar |
Flabbergast | v | Flabbergaster |
Flabby | adj | Dabby, Flobber, Squobby |
Flaccid | adj | Wangery |
Flag | n | Colour |
Flag used by miners to signify an unlucky day | n | Switch |
Flagon, pewter | n | Thurindale |
Flail | n | Drashel, Frail, Threshel |
Flamboyant | adj | Flyabostic, Stary |
Flank steak | n | Chandler's Cut. Lary, Leer |
Flap | v | Flerk |
Flashy | adj | Shanty. Spicy |
Flask | n | Joker |
Flat | adj | Plat |
Flatbread | n | Hone, Twinge, Twining |
Flat-Faced | adj | Splatter-Faced |
Flatter | v | Buttery, Caniffle, Chuter, Fage |
Flavour | n | Tang |
Flavour, unpleasant | n | Tack, Tatch, Twang |
Flaw | n | Lipshod |
Flawed (of scythe-blade) | adj | Pronged |
Flax | n | Lin, Flix |
Flax dodder | n | Mulberry |
Flax picker | n | Flax-jobber |
Flax, dressed | n | Linet |
Flay | v | Gore (3) |
Flayed | adj | Hylt |
Flea | n | Vleer |
Fledged | adj | Fligged |
Fleshy excrescence on a cow's foot | n | Angle-Berry |
Flexible | adj | Flip, Lendy, Lennow |
Flibbertigibbet | n | Fiz-Gig, Flig-Me-Jig, Flip-Me-Jig, Flit-Me-Gig |
Flicker | v | Blicker, Flitter |
Flight (of stairs) | n | Pair |
Flimsy | adj | Shally-Gallee, Slighty |
Flinch | v | Gritchie |
Fling | v | Flink, Spanghew |
Flint bed, large | n | Lanch |
Flint with natural hole | n | Holey-flint |
Flirt | n | Dolly-Mop, Flirtigig |
Flirt with woman | v | Gallant |
Flitch (of bacon) | n | Flick, Flitchen |
Float | v | Fleet |
Flock | v | Gaffle |
Flock (of animals) | n | Drave |
Flock (of shelducks) | n | Dropping |
Flock in confused flight | n | Scurry |
Flock of teal | n | Coil |
Flog | v | Bellis, Lerrick |
Flog (at Winchester College) | v | Bible |
Flood | v | Swab |
Floodgate | n | Clyse |
Flooring, wooden | n | Planching |
Floppy-eared | adj | Lap-Eared |
Flotsam | n | Floatsome |
Flouncing | adj | Floush |
Flour and water | n | Thicky-Duddle |
Flour, covered in | adj | Dusty |
Flour-box | n | Dredge, Drudge |
Flourish | v | Flanyer |
Flower, artificial | n | Gum-Flower |
Flowers of umbelifferous plant | n | Bullers |
Flowing | adj | Flowse |
Fluff | n | Flue |
Fluke | n | Milt |
Fluke (worm) | n | Plaice |
Flurry | n | Stodge |
Fluster | v | Flustrate |
Flutter | v | Flicker, Wapper |
Fly (of hawk) | v | Coast |
Fly awkwardly (of insects) | v | Duff |
Foal, unweaned | n | Sucker |
Foamy | adj | Nappy |
Fodder for cattle | n | Keeping, Pulp |
Folk song | n | Lidden |
Follow | v | Folly |
Fondle | v | Doddle |
Fondue | n | Jigger |
Font | n | Vant |
Food | n | Belly-Timber |
Food or drink, small quantity of | n | Bib |
Food waste | n | Pelf |
Food, good | n | Kitchen-physic |
Fool | n | Alkitotle, Billy with the pinafore on, Caw, Clot-Head, Duke, Dummel, Dummerhead, Flurt, Fussock, Gapshly, Gawkum, Gawney, Gnaw-Post, Hob, Lappen, Looby, Macky-Moon, Mull-Head, Nena, Nogger-Head, Numps, Ralph-Spooner, Sammy, Toot, Yawnups, Zany |
Foolhardy | adj | Knack-Hardy, Ventureless |
Foolish | adj | Chubble-Headed , Fond, Foolhardy, Infirm, Norting |
Foot | n | Toot |
Foot (of fox) | n | Pad |
Foot and mouth disease | n | Lewer, Lodyholt |
Foot, flat | n | Platter-foot |
Footpath | n | Cause |
Footprint of hare in snow | n | Trace |
Foot-rot | n | Lameness |
Footstep, heavy | n | Clamp |
Footstool | n | Tut |
Fop | n | Vandyke |
Forbid | v | Discharge, Fain |
Forceful (of opinions) | adj | Smite-me-down |
Foreign | adj | Outlandish |
Foreman | n | Captain, Sir-Rag |
Foremost horse in a team | n | Forrest |
Forequarter of lamb | v | Scrubbling, Scubbin, Target |
Forest, open | n | Wold |
Forethought | v | Forecast |
Forfeit (in game) | n | Pawn |
Forget | v | Beget, Disremember |
Forgive and forget | n | Forgie |
Fork in road | n | Forches |
Fork with seven tines, used chiefly for coal | n | Griddler |
Fork, thatcher's | n | Shekel |
Form (hare's nest) | n | Firm, Meuse |
Form drops (of water) | v | Cess |
Form of oath/interjection | int | Agar |
Forthright | adj | Foreright |
Forward | adv | Aforward, Frowart |
Forward (of girl) | adj | Bobbant, Bochant |
Fossilised pine trees found at Brook Point, Isle of Wight | n | Pine-Raft |
Fossilised vertebrae | n | Saucepan Stones |
Foster | v | Aumper. |
Foul--Mouthed | adj | Wicked |
Foul-smelling | adj | Dainty |
Found in a cabbage patch (used when a child asks where they came from) | n | Leek-bed, dug up in the |
Foundation (in thatching) | n | Nave |
Foundation (of building) | n | Butment |
Four bushels | n | Sack-Whey |
Four-poster bed with broken leg | n | Mark, Luke and John |
Fourth stomach of ruminant | n | Read |
Fox | n | Renyard |
Fox and Geese (game) | n | Mariners |
Foxglove | n | Flap-Dock, Flobby-Dock, Flox, Folk's Glove, Fropadock, Peppes, Poppers, Poppy, Snauper, Snoxun |
Fractious | adj | Frack,Fram, Frampald, Teasy |
Fracture | n | Brack |
Fragment | n | Libbet, Licket, Mammock, Shutter |
Fragment of human flesh washed up after a shipwreck | n | Gobbet |
Fragments | n | Flitters, Giblets, Smit-Smats |
Frail | adj | Teary, Temporary |
Frame for casks | n | Gantry |
Framework | n | Tram, Tramming, Traverse |
Frankly | adv | Roundly |
Frantically | adv | Frantical |
Fray | v | Sleave, Vaz |
Frayed | adj | Ploizy |
Freckle | n | Murfle |
Freckles | n | Brans, Fern-Tickles |
Freed | adj | Lipped |
Freestone, bed of | n | Scallett |
Freeze | v | Shram |
Freezing cold | adj | Nett-up |
Freezing fog | n | Hemel |
Frenzy | n | Franzy |
Fresh | adj | Elsh, Live |
Freshwater Mussel | n | Purse |
Fretful | adj | Grig |
Fretting | v | Hopping |
Friend | n | Make, Spell |
Friend, close | n | Trigimate |
Friendly | adj | Nunity |
Friendly Society | n | Society |
Friends | n | Soce |
Friends, close | n | Cater-Cousins |
Fright | n | Flerry |
Frighten | v | Dor, Gally, Mawk, Put the horrors on |
Frightened | adj | Lear, Straked |
Frill | n | Frill-de-dill |
Fringe | n | Frange, Jace |
Fringed Buckbean | n | Fringed-Water-Lily |
Fritter away time | v | Doodle |
Frog | n | Quilkin |
Frolic | v | Caleer, Gannick, Scouse, Skice |
From | prep | Fro |
From the mainland, not from the Isle of Wight | adj | Overun |
Front rack of plough | n | Wang |
Frost,severe | n | Stinger |
Frosted | adj | Scratched |
Frosty (of ground) | adj | Scrimpy |
Froth | n | Fob, Keam |
Froth up ale | v | Louse |
Frown | v | Brittle |
Frozen stiff | adj | Avrore |
Fruilcake with not much fruit | n | Shouting-cake |
Fruit | n | Frus |
Fruit tree | n | Spalliard |
Fruit, undersized | n | Scrigs |
Fruit-Basket | n | Trugg |
Frump | n | Frig |
Fry | v | Frizzle |
Fuchsia | n | Ear-drops |
Fuck | v | Hame |
Fucking | n | Rudder, Rumple |
Fuel | n | Elet, Firing |
Full force (of wind) | n | Emmut |
Fumble | v | Bunger, Drumble, Vissuck |
Fumitory, common | n | Fevertory |
Funnel | n | Tinner, Tunnel, Tunniger |
Fur | n | Flax |
Fur, low grade | n | Flick |
Furious | adj | Giddy, Zoo mad as a scoff |
Furrow | n | Feer, Fosse, Furr, Plit, Stetch, Trone |
Furrow, end of | n | Foth |
Furrow, keep to a | v | Furrow, gold a |
Furze | n | Crannock, Furzen |
Furze, burnt to fertilise the land | n | Swillet |
Furze, dried for fuel | n | Bruss |
Fuss (1) | n | Business, Heckett, Pore, Sissa |
Fuss (2) | v | Fussock, Quiddle |
Fuss, make a | v | Splut |
Fussiness | v | Faddle |
Fussing | v | Coddle-Farting, Fracking |
Fusspot | n | Fid-Fad |