Gable-end | n | Pine-End, Pointing-End, Pugging |
Gadfly | n | Breeze, Straggle-Bug |
Gadfly larva | n | Proof-Maggot |
Gadget | n | Crinkum-Crankum |
Gadzooks | int | Zookers. Zooks |
Gaiter | n | Bam, Copper-Clout, Hamfleet, Mokin, Shahsoon, Shin-Strad, Spatterdash, Spatter-Dasher,Strad, Vamp, Whirler |
Gaiters, leather | n | Buskins, Gambadoes |
Gaiters, short | n | Startups, Strogs |
Gallant | adj | Galyant |
Gallipot | n | Glum-Pot |
Gallivant | v | Galligant |
Gallon | n | Gaun |
Gallon measure for dry goods | n | Quartern |
Gallop | v | Scour |
Gambol | v | Hoke |
Gambrel | n | Gimmel |
Game | n | Lure |
Game bird, young | n | Poult |
Game of chance played at fairs | n | Roly-Poly |
Game played by young people | n | Isabella, Lamploo |
Game played with bricks or stones | n | Duckuts |
Game played with knuckle-bones of sheep | n | Dib |
Game played with small stones | n | Showing-on |
Game similar to hockey | n | Bandy |
Game where children run under other children's legs and are hit with sticks | n | Bear |
Game, childrens | n | Crockery-Bread |
Gamecock, winning | n | Soourder |
Gamekeeping | n | Keepering |
Gannet | n | Channel-Goose |
Gap (in hedge) | n | Glat, Smoot-Hole |
Gap, narrow | n | Slap |
Gape | v | Gapes |
Gapes (disease of poultry) | n | Snickets |
Garden | n | Garn |
Garfish | n | Gane-Fish |
Garland | n | Coronel |
Garlic, wild | n | Garlick |
Garment, ill-fitting | n | Watchet |
Garret | n | Cock-Loft |
Gasp | v | Kaw |
Gatepost | n | Hanch, Harr, R |
Gather | v | Hud, Huddle, Scramb |
Gathering-hook | n | Twirg |
Gaudy | adj | Gaudly |
Gaunt | adj | Thirl |
Gelding | n | Ridgel, Ridger, Rig |
Gelt pig | n | Barrow |
Generous | adj | Funglie-Foo |
Gentleman | n | Gentry-Man |
Germinate | v | Chimp |
Get drunk | v | Mug |
Ghastly | adj | Gashly |
Ghost | n | Sooner |
Giddy | adj | Giddling |
Giddy up (to horse) | int | Ett, Hupp, Sh, Trop, Trup |
Giggling | adj | Agig |
Gilded | adj | Gilty |
Gillyflower grass | n | July flower grass |
Gin mixed with whisky or rum | n | Matrimony |
Ginger biscuit | n | Crup |
Ginger Nut | n | Jumble, Parliament |
Gingerbread with raisins | n | Lolly-Banger |
Gird | v | Dug |
Girdle | n | Single |
Girl | n | Wenchin |
Girth | n | Girse |
Gist | n | Jyst |
Give | v | Agive |
Give birth (of animals) | v | Kindle, Warp |
Give money to mowers when out shooting | phr | Take the notches out of the scythes |
Give off fragrance | v | Fume |
Glance | v | Glunt |
Glance at | n | Ken |
Gland of the ear or throat | n | Almond |
Glass beads, string of | n | Jingle |
Glass, made of | adj | Glassen |
Glaze (enamel) | n/v | Glare |
Gleam (of light) | n | Glum |
Glean apples | v | Toke |
Glebe | n | Glibe |
Glen at mouth of stream | n | Gwyle |
Glimmer | v | Glüde |
Glimpse | n | Leer Shim |
Glisten | v | Glister |
Globeflower | n | Globe |
Gloomy | adj | Darksome |
Glower | v | Glow |
Glutted | ppl | Clut |
Glutton | n | Garley-Gut, Gor-Belly |
Gluttonous | adj | Voody |
Gnash | v | Grizbite, Grize |
Gnat | n | Not |
Gnaw | v | Gnaggle, Gnarl |
Gnaw (of pain) | v | Nang |
Go | v | Vie |
Go left (command to cattle) | int | Hether-Up |
Go mumming | v | Mum |
Go on an errand | n | Errand |
Go right (call to horse) | int | Ree, Woot |
Goad | v | Bodge, Gore |
Goading others into dangerous feats | v | Dammering |
Goal-line | n | Alley |
Gobble | v | Ramul, Telle,Whaffle, Yaffle |
Gobbledegook | n | Crinks and cranks |
God | int | Gaw |
God (minced oath) | n | Gollack |
God's Heart | int | Zart |
Going | adv | A-Gog |
Goldeneye | n | Curr, Magpie Diver |
Goldfinch | n | Cheverel |
Gone | pp | Ago |
Good evening | int | Gooden, Good-Den |
Good for growing peas (of land) | adj | Ziddow |
Good for plants (of weather) | v | Growing |
Good King Henry (Clienopodiuni Boitus-Henricus) | n | All-Good |
Good point | n | Twinge |
Good quality (of livestock) | adj | Neat |
Goodbye | int | Bwye |
Good-looking | adj | Jomick, Personable |
Good-looking (of inanimate object) | adj | Handsome |
Good-natured | adj | Flitch |
Good-natured (of animals) | adj | Civil |
Gooseberry | n | Berry, Guzzle-Berry |
Goose-breeder | n | Goosier |
Goosefoot (plant) | n | Bacon-Weed |
Goose-Grass | n | Cleavers, Cliders, Clite, Cliver, Cly |
Goose-Grass, shoots of | n | Mutton-chops |
Gooseneck Barnacle | n | Necked Barnacle |
Goose-pimples | n | Pigeony |
Gopher spurge | n | Caper |
Gore (of bull) | v | Hile, Hook, Horch, Orch |
Gorse | n | Ruffet |
Gorse, covered in | adj | Furzy |
Gosh | int | Galls |
Goshawk | n | Varmer |
Gosh-darned | adj | Cusnation |
Gosling | n | Goosen-Chick |
Gosling, unfledged | n | Gull |
Gossip (1) | v | Blaze, Buzz, Buzznack, Coose, Crony, Diddle, Nabble, Waffle, Yape |
Gossip (2) | n | Cant, Codnogger, Coose, Crime, Maamouth |
Gouge | n | Race |
Goutweed | n | Bishop's Weed |
Gown | n | Gownd, Seave |
Grab | v | Grabble |
Grain (of wood) | n | Clash |
Grain of wheat | n | Kernel |
Grammatical | adj | Grammary |
Granary | n | Garn, Grange, Pool |
Grand | adj | Rare |
Grandfather | n | Grandfer, Gramfer, Gramp |
Grandmother | n | Gommer, Grammer, Grammy, Grandame |
Granite, coarse | n | Growan |
Granular | adj | Nibbly |
Grapnel | n | Creeper, Grape |
Grapple | v | Snavel |
Grasp | v | Grapse, Grope |
Grass inedible to cattle | n | Rousett |
Grass on clod of earth | n | Grönshka |
Grass, coarse | n | Bent |
Grass, dry | n | Bennet |
Grass, freshly-mown | n | Ear-Grass |
Grass, long | n | Toar |
Grass, new-mown | n | Sweath |
Grass, second mowing of | n | Rowen, Rowett |
Grasshopper warbler | n | Mowing -machine Bird |
Grassland | n | Greensward |
Gravel | n | Chippings |
Graze | v | Grate, Scraze |
Grease | n | Yolk |
Grease, congealed | n | Coom, Kitpat |
Greasy (of bacon) | adj | Rommelly |
Great | adj | Towering |
Great Bindweed | n | Withywind |
Great Crested Grebe | n | Muffler, Satin Grebe |
Great deal | n | Girdle |
Great Hairy Willow-Herb | n | Codlings-an-Cream, Codlins, Sod-Apple |
Great Mullein | n | Flannel |
Great Spotted Woodpecker | n | Witwall |
Great thing | n | Bender |
Great Tit | n | Joe-Ben |
Great White Poplar | n | Abbey |
Greater Bindweed | n | Wavewind |
Greater Celandine | n | Wart-Flower |
Greater Plantain | n | Plant |
Greater Stitchwort | n | Poppy, Shirt-Buttons |
Greedy | adj | Hoggish, Sneechy |
Green Hellebore | n | Setterwort |
Green outer husk of a walnut | n | Bad |
Green Woodpecker | n | English Parrot, Whetile, Woodwall, Yackle, Yaffingale, Yaffle, Yuckle |
Grey | adj | Grizzle |
Greylag Goose | n | Wayzgoose |
Griddle | n | Backstone |
Gridiron | n | Gidger, Girdle |
Grieving | adj | Bedole |
Grilse | n | Peal |
Grimace | v | Grin, Nitter |
Grimy | adj | Grim |
Grind | v | Grater |
Grind coarsely | v | Griddle |
Grinding stone into sand | n | Pounding |
Grindstone | n | Grinding-Stone |
Gristle | n | Crissle, Pax-Wax, Scrumpets |
Grit used to sharpen knives | n | Callis-stone |
Gritty | n | Chiselly |
Groin | n | Ketch, Lank |
Groom (thatching) | n | Poignard |
Groove in wood | n | Regal |
Groove of axle | n | Roddick |
Groove picked out by quarrymen | n | Jad |
Grouchy | adj | Crousty |
Ground-ash | n | Dwarf Elder |
Ground-Ivy | n | Ale-Hoof, Gill |
Grout | n | Larry |
Grove | n | Grozen |
Grow (of root vegetable) | v | Bittle |
Grow fat | v | Burnish |
Grow shabby | v | Shab |
Grow thickly together | v | Diggle |
Growl | v | Gourl, Gurdle. Gurl |
Grown-up (of young person) | adj | Smartish, Snurling |
Grudge | n | Bull-Necks |
Grumble | v | Chowter |
Grumbler | n | Quaddle |
Grunt | v | Crint, Quirk |
Guarantee | v | Gallantee |
Guard | v | Ward |
Guard worn in cudgel-playing | n | Butt |
Guessing game | n | Barley-Buck, Neiveie-Nick-Nick |
Guillemot | n | Murre, Spratter, Willock |
Guinea-fowl | n | Galeeny, Gleany |
Guising | v | Thomasing |
Gullible person | n | Naumpey |
Gully | n | Chine, Goyle, Gullet, Gut, Katbrain |
Gulp down | v | Gullock |
Gulp, big | n | Swoop |
Gum disease in horses | n | Washer |
Gummy deposit in corner of eye | n | Spade, Spade-Speed |
Gumption | n | Docity, Grumpshun |
Gurgle | v | Guggle |
Gurgle (of liquid) | v | Glox, Clock |
Gush (of water) | n | Pash |
Gust | v | Huffle, Tuck |
Gust of drizzly rain | n | Skew |
Gust of wind | n | Brash, Flaw |
Gutter | n | Guzzle, Shooting, Valley |
Gutter (by roadside) | n | Drillock |
Gutter (candle) | v | Lave, Squail |
Gutter, deep | n | Gully |
Guzzle | v | Goss, Guddle, Guts, Gutter, Guttle |
Guzzle | v | Guddle |