Hack | v | Scottle |
Hack (cough) | v | Hacket |
Hacking (of cough) | adj | Hackling |
Hag | n | Kitty |
Haggard | adj | Hag |
Haggle | v | Hackle, Huck, Scruple, Vamper |
Hair, made of | adj | Hairen |
Hair-cloth for straining cider must | n | Cider-hairs |
Half | n | Halfendeal |
Half of goods produced, given instead of wages | n | Halvans |
Half-boot laced in front | n | Skiller-Boot, Skilter-Vamp, Skitter-Vamp |
Half-hundredweight | n | Fifty-Six |
Halfpenny | n | Halfpenny bit, Sous |
Half-wit | n | Lummy |
Halter | n | Throat-Hapse |
Ham, joint of | n | Ham o' Pork |
Hamartia | n | Besetment |
Hamlet | n | Thorpe |
Hamstring | v | Hocks |
Hand | n | Daddle |
Hand of watch | n | Spear |
Hand over | v | Till |
Handbag | n | Wallet |
Hand-basket | n | Reck |
Handcart | n | Trucks |
Hand-Cart | n | Trolly |
Handful | n | Greep, Grip, Yafful, Yaspen |
Handful of corn | n | Glean, Shongle |
Handful of hay | n | Clef |
Hand-grinder for grain | n | Quern |
Handicap (of runner) | n | Heeling |
Handkerchief | n | Muckinger |
Handle | n | Stale, Stem |
Handle for forks | n | Prong-handle |
Handle of axe | n | Hilf |
Handle of bucket | n | Bail, Shed |
Handle of flail | n | Hansel |
Handle of hay-knife | n | Woblet |
Handle of knife | n | Hean |
Handle with fingers | v | Paddle (2) |
Handled bowl used in making cheese | n | Bowl-dish |
Handles of scythe | n | Handtoggers, Hantings |
Hand-organ | n | Hurly-Gurly |
Handrail | n | Hatherm, Loan |
Handrail on footbridge | n | Pyer |
Hand-rear | v | Hob, Muddle, Tiddle |
Hand-reared | adj | Cosset |
Hands (child's word) | n | Daddes |
Hanging (execution) | n | Hangment |
Hanging bar to separate horses in a stable | n | Bail |
Hangnail | n | Warty-Well |
Haphazard | adj | Rumble-jumble |
Happen | v | Hap |
Harass | v | Hare |
Harbour | n | Cobb |
Hard (of earth) | adj | Horned up |
Hard winter wheat | n | Lammas-plum |
Hard-going (of roads) | adj | Steppy |
Hare trap, type of | n | Looking-glass |
Hare's run | n | File |
Hare-trap | n | Turnpike |
Harm | n | Detriment (1) |
Harness | v | Hatch, Verestrap |
Harness worn by fore-horse | n | Cripping, Trace-Harness |
Harness, hind parts of | n | Breeching |
Harrow (1) | v | Edge, Eydon |
Harrow (2) | n | Harve |
Harvest work which a tenant is forced to give his landlord | n | Boon-hook |
Harvest-mouse | n | Harvest-Shrew |
Hasp | n | Poleaps |
Hassock | n | Toit |
Haste | n | Swivet |
Hasten | v | Hie |
Hasty | adj | Hastis, Hurrysome |
Hasty-Pudding | n | Stirabout |
Hat, broad-brimmed | n | Brimmer |
Hat, disreputable | n | Jim-crow |
Hat, low-crowned | n | Smouch-Hat |
Hat, straw | n | Rewden |
Hatchet | n | Hooket, Wedge |
Hatchet, slater's | n | Sax |
Haughty | adj | Big, Highty-Tighty, Hontish, Side |
Haul | v | Hale, Lugger |
Haunt | v | Spreet |
Have a kitchen account at Oxford University | v | Battle |
Have diarhhoea | v | Squitter |
Have mercy | int | A-Massy |
Have the hots for | v | Simmithy |
Have time | v | Awhile |
Having a white streak on back (of animal) | adj | Lined |
Having had banns of marriage published | pp | Banned |
Having no central stalk (of cabbage) | adj | Bruckle-Hearted |
Having too much milk (of cow) | adj | Overstocked |
Havoc | n | Murder come up with |
Haw (fruit) | n | Eagle, Eglet, Hag, Haggle, Hazel, Pig-Haw |
Hawfinch | n | Berry-Breaker |
Hay | n | Roughet, Roughing |
Hay raked into long rows | n | Bray |
Hay, coarse | n | Bosey |
Hay, handful of | n | Gerbe |
Hay, late | n | Tuffing |
Hay, layer of | n | Sward |
Hay, low-grade | n | Skimming |
Hay, mown | n | Swarth |
Hay-Cock | n | Wind-Cock |
Hay-crop | n | Tonsure |
Hay-loft | n | Tallet |
Haystack | n | Clowe, Cock, Pook, Puck, Quoil, Stag |
Haystack, base of | n | Staddling |
Hazel | n | Halse, Nuthall |
Hazelnut | n | Brown-Leamer, Hall |
H-bone | n | Ice-Bone |
Head | n | Capper, Jobbernowl, Mapus, Mazzard, Pimple, Napper |
Head (on beer) | n | Smile |
Head cold | n | Murr |
Head Ploughman | n | Wagoner |
Head, top of | n | Nowle |
Headland | n | Froward, Hade |
Headlong | adv | Bomeswish |
Head-over-heels | adv | Arsy-Versy |
Head-stock of lathe | n | Poppet |
Headstrong | adj | Heady |
Heal | v | Heald |
Heal-all | n | Carpenter's herb |
Health | n | Fashion |
Healthy | adj | Bravely, Charming, Hoddy, Pure, Snug, Staunch, Stiffy, Stugged |
Heap | n | Dod, Hommock, Ruckle, Sess, Wallage |
Heap of chalk marking the path from one village to another over the Wiltshire Downs | n | Down-lantern |
Heap of ten faggots of wood | n | Pile |
Heap up | v | Bank |
Hearty | adj | Knarly |
Heater of box-iron | n | Clamp |
Heath | n | Yavill |
Heath Lobelia | n | Axe, Flower Of The |
Heather | n | Bazzom, Ling |
Heavily | adv | Heaven-hard |
Heavily | adv | Lumpus |
Heavy (of fall) | adj | Curflummox |
Heavy boot | n | Ancle-Jack |
Heavy object | n | Hulker |
Heavy rain around St Margaret's Day | n | Margaret's Flood |
Heavy rain brought by an east wind to South Molton | n | Tiverton Rain |
Heavy-set | adj | Cloddy, Loggy |
Hedge | n | Butt |
Hedge made of bushes staked to a bank | n | Dub-hedge |
Hedge overgrown with brambles | n | Beever |
Hedge sparrow | n | Aichee, Billy, Blue Isaac, Chubby, Haysuck, Segge |
Hedge trimmer | n | Hoggerdemow |
Hedge, quick-set | n | Quicker |
Hedge, splashed | n | Purwattle |
Hedgehog | n | Furze-a-boar. Jog, Porpin |
Hedger and Ditcher | n | Trolubber |
Hedgerow | n | Chase-Row |
Hedge-stake | n | Pritchel |
Hedge-trimmings | n | Broil |
Hedgewood, dry | n | Cricks |
Hedging hook | n | Hacker |
Heel plate (for boots) | n | Pelt |
Heels with chilblains | n | Gibby-heels |
Heifer | n | Stirk |
Heifer, small | n | Ruck (2) |
Heifer, twin of a bull-calf | n | Martin |
Hell (minced oath) | n | Halifax |
Hello (expression of surprise) | int | Hullocky, Hullop |
Hellraiser | n | Rattler |
Helper on canal paths | n | Rodney |
Helplessness | n | Unpower |
Hemp | n | Cather, Gallow-Grass |
Hemp (fabric) | n | Plitch, Sarpler |
Hemp Agrimony | n | Raspberries And Cream |
Hen sitting on eggs | n | Clutched hen |
Hence | adv | Herence |
Her | pron | She's |
Herb Robert | n | Robert, Wren's Flower |
Herd sheep | v | Chass |
Heron | n | Hern, Moll-Hern, Starch |
Herring, young | n | Brit |
Hers | pron | Hern, Sheesens, Shisn |
Hey | int | Ay, Hay, Heigh, Hoym, Hu |
Hiccup (1) | n | Yoke |
Hiccup (2) | v | Yox |
Hiccups | n | Yuccups |
Hide | v | Sloke |
Hide and seek | n | Bicky, Bunky-Bean, Hiders-Catch-Winkers, Hie-Spy |
Hide nor hair | n | Vel nor Mark |
Hiding | adj | Zidlock |
Hiding place | n | Holster |
Hiding, in | n | Hidlock |
Higgledy-piggledy | adj | Igsy-Pigsy |
Highest | n | Hext |
Hill | n | Knop |
Hill, craggy side of | n | Slear |
Hill, steep | n | Brow (1) |
Hillock | n | Hummock, Towte, Trap, Tummock, Tump |
Hillside | n | Slam |
Hilltop | n | Toil |
Hinder | v | Belate, Hamper, Let |
Hindering | adj | Hindersome |
Hindrance | n | Hinderment |
Hinge | n | Engine, Gimmal, Jimmy |
Hint (of flavour or scent) | n | Smatch |
Hip | n | Huckle, Locking-Bone, Pin |
Hip bone of pig | n | Arly-Bone, Rearing-Bone |
Hipped (of roof) | adj | Heaped |
Hiss | v | Frizz, Siss, Squit, Tiss |
Hit on head | v | Cornobble |
Hitch | v | Hotch |
Hitch (of plough) | n | Drock |
Hoard (1) | v | Hugger, Wurd |
Hoard (2) | n/v | Hurd |
Hoar-frost | n | Ammil |
Hoar-Hound | n | Wer-Ound |
Hoarse | adj | Rosky |
Hoarseness | n | Hoarse, Hose, Husk, Roup, Wuzz |
Hoary | adj | Hoar |
Hobble | v | Cripple, Hockle |
Hobby (bird) | n | Rook-Hawk |
Hobby-horse | n | Hooset |
Hobgoblin | n | Boggart, Bogie, Bogle, Bugaboo, Bugger, Cutty |
Hobnailed boot | n | Bat |
Hockey | n | Rumpy |
Hockey, crude form of | n | Not |
Hod | n | Boss |
Hoe | n | Hoove, Howe, Maller, Scarifier, Scuffle, Sham, Spitter |
Hoe, large | n | Kerf |
Hog, fat | n | Barge |
Hoglet | n | Rock |
Holdfast, iron | n | Spuke |
Hole | n | Wol |
Hole in hurdle for insertion of pole | n | Twilley-Hole |
Hollow | adj | Cove |
Hollow inside horns of cattle | n | Slo |
Hollow stalk of umbelliferous plant | n | Kecks |
Holly | n | Crocodile, Holm |
Hollyhock | n | Hock-Holler |
Holy Cross, feast of | n | Holyrood, Ridmass |
Home | n | Hall |
Homeland | n | Kith |
Home-made (of wine) | adj | Made |
Homesick | adj | Motherish |
Honeycomb | n | Working |
Honeysuckle | n | Honeysuck |
Hoochie | n | Giglet, Hogminny, Rigmutton, Rompstal, Stertling |
Hooded Crow | n | Royston Crow |
Hoof nippers | n | Buttress |
Hoof-mark | n | Clinket |
Hook | n | Gaff |
Hook for harnesses | n | Harness-tack |
Hook for picking fruit | n | Hootcher |
Hook for suspending pot above a fire | n | Hanger, Hangle |
Hook used in cutting heather | n | Heather-hook |
Hook, S-shaped | n | Ess |
Hook, thatcher's | n | Cratch |
Hoop | n | Whoop |
Hoops (of broom) | n | Plushes |
Hop | v | Hacket, Heck, Hick, Hoppet |
Hope | v | Behope, Behopes |
Hopscotch | n | Click-Bed, Pitcher |
Horn (musical instrument) | n | Toot-Horn |
Horn, made of | adj | Hornen |
Hornless | adj | Hummel, Natted, Not, Polled |
Horse and cart for hire | n | Haggle-Cart |
Horse block | n | Hepping-Stock, Leaping-Block, Lifting-Stock, Stepping-Block, Upping-Block |
Horse dealer | n | Coper, Jock, Knacker |
Horse drawing hackney carriage | n | Hack-horse |
Horse Mushroom | n | Tusher |
Horse that gnaws the manger | n | Cribber |
Horse, child's term for | n | Bup-Horse |
Horse, fast | n | Stepper |
Horse, obstinate | n | Jibber |
Horse, old | n | Crock |
Horse, second in a team of four | n | Lash-Horse |
Horse, small | n | Tit |
Horse, worn-out | n | Keffel |
Horseback | n | Muggle |
Horsefly | n | Stout |
Horse-load | n | Seam |
Horseplay | n | Scrumpshing |
Horse's arse | n | Tewel |
Horsey | adj | Horsish |
Hose, brewer;s | n | Stum |
Hot | adj | Wot |
Hot flashes | n | Flumes |
Hounds, spectral | n | Wisht-Hounds, Yeth-Hounds |
House | v | Housen, Neckle |
House fly | n | Flush-Vlea |
House martin | n | Eaves-swallow |
House,small | n | Coopy-House |
House-leek | n | Silgreen, Singreen |
Housemaid | n | Tweeny |
Hovel | n | Poke-Hole |
Hover | v | Wivel |
However | adv | Wever |
Howl | v | Howk, Yawl, Yellop |
Huckster | n | Badger |
Huddle | v | Hurch, Mug, Screedle |
Huddled | adj | All in a Dicker |
Huge | adj | Banging, Heinous, Howgy, Hugeous, Smacking, Stramming |
Hullabaloo | n | Baloo |
Hum | v | Bumble |
Human | n | Christian |
Hunchback | n | Huckmuck |
Hunchbacked | adj | Crump, Humpty, Humpy |
Hungry | adj | A-Hungered, Cormous, Pecksome, Rakin' |
Hunk | n | Nunk |
Hunt for game | v | Kenet, Quest |
Hurdle | n | Hatchet, Flock |
Hurdle (sports) | n | Cat-Gallows |
Hurdle made of shaved wood | n | Sparred-Hurdle |
Hurdle maker | n | Hurdler |
Hurdle stake | n | Bore-shore |
Hurdle, wicker | n | Flakett |
Hurdle-stake | n | Pile |
Hurl | v | Furl, Holl, Hull |
Hurrah | int | Wurraw |
Hurry | v | Lurry, Mooster, Play Along, Rally, Streek, Zack |
Hurry awkwardly | v | Nickle |
Hurt | v | Annoy, Pannel |
Hush | int | Whish |
Husk | n | Huck , Slough |
Hyacinth, wild | n | Greggle |
Hydro-Extractor | n | Whizzer |
Hyperactive | adj | Mollipeart |