Nag | v | Bribe, Nagger |
Nail, large | n | Brad |
Nail, small | n | Sod |
Nanny-goat | n | Nan |
Nape | n | Mole, Niddick, Niddle, Nod, Scurf |
Naphtha | n | Knotting |
Napoleon complex, having a | adj | Pussikey |
Narcissist | n | Jackanapes, Maaycock |
Narcissus | n | Primrose-Parings |
Nasturtium | n | Sturtion |
Nasty | adj | Nastified |
Nasty person | n | Beagle |
National ensign (nautical) | n | Ancient |
Native | adj | Inbred |
Naturally | adv | Naturly |
Nave of wheel | n | Bowk |
Navel | n | Nawl |
Near (1) | prep | Anear, Anearst. Aneast, Anigh, Anighst, Newst |
Near (2) | adv | Near-Hand |
Near (3) | adj | Nuse |
Nearer | adv | Nearder |
Nearest (1) | adv | Neardest |
Nearest (2) | adj | Neist |
Nearly | adv | Nathely |
Neat | adj | Jimmy, Nitch, Smirk, Sprack, Sprunny. Sprunt |
Neat (of person) | adj | Chaity |
Neatly | adv | To-Rights |
Necessity | n | Needcessity, Needment |
Neck (of mutton) | n | Rack |
Neckerchief | n | Neckercher, Necking |
Necktie, white | n | Flock |
Nectarine | n | Nepkin |
Needy | adj | Needsome |
Ne'er-do-well | n | Loblolly |
Neglect | n | Neglection |
Neglectful | adj | Owlas |
Neigh | v | Bray, Breath, Knutter |
Neither | pron | Norn |
Nervous | adj | All-Overish |
Nest, large | n | Dray |
Nestle | v | Snoozle |
Nests, caterpillars' | n | Puckets |
Net, fishing | n | Clinchingnet |
Nettle | n | Ettle, Stingy-Nettle |
Never | adv | Narnce |
Never such a | n | Na'rs'ha |
New | adj | Spick |
New Foresr ranger | n | Regarder |
New Forest magistrate | n | Verderer |
New Forest pony | n | Heath-cropper |
New Year's Gift | n | Strene |
News | n | Hearing, Hide Nor Tide |
Newt | n | Asker, Evet, Hibbit, Snivett, Yolt |
Nibble | v | Chimble. Nabble |
Night before Shrove Tuesday | n | Dappy-Door-Night |
Nightdress | n | Bedgown |
Nightjar | n | Churn-Owl, Goat-Owl, Jar-Bird, Puckeridge |
Nimble | adj | Nim, Whipper-Snapper |
Nincompoop | n | Nincum |
Nine men's morris (game) | n | Madell, Merrils |
Ninepence | n | Nippence |
Nip (of frost) | v | Snipple |
Nipple | n | Deal |
Nisi prius | n | Hizy-Prizy |
No way! | phr | No Tino! |
Nobody | n | Nobry |
Nod | v | Nid |
Nod the head while dozing | v | Doaty |
Noise | n | Glam, Rucksel, Tanracket |
Noise made by wings of the snipe | n | Bleating |
Noise, loud | n | Slut |
Noise, make a | v | Holster |
Noise, sudden | n | Crick |
Noisily | adv | Rouse |
Noisy | adj | Bullocking, Ratchetty, Rory-Tory |
Nonentity | n | Trinamanoose |
Nonsense | n | Flam, Flother, Logic, Squitter, Trammel, Trot |
Nonsensical | adj | Nonsical |
Nook | n | Crick |
Nook and cranny | n | Cooch and Corner |
Noose | n | Oose |
Northern diver | n | Loon |
North-facing | adj | Back-Sunned |
Nose | n | Conk, Nozzle |
Nose, tip of | n | Ime |
Nose-bone | n | Snotter-bone |
Nosegay | n | Tetty, Tutty |
Nose-ring for a bull | n | Barnacles |
Nostrils | n | Neyares |
Not I | phr | In-Tye |
Not yet | adv | Nit |
Notch | n | Pick, Riggle, Snotch, Squotch, Shark |
Notch (in blade) | n | Shard |
Nothing | n | Nichil |
Nothing but | adv | Nobbut |
Noughts and Crosses | n | Tit-Tat-Toe |
Novelty | n | Newelty |
Nowhere | adv | Nower |
Nudge | v | Dunch, Nug |
Nugget | v | Knobble, Nudgel |
Number | n | Umber |
Number of threads into which a warp is divided in weaving | n | Beer |
Numerous | n | Rank |
Nurse | v | Nurse-tend |
Nurse an invalid | v | Pawncy |
Nut | n | Nit |
Nut (of bolt) | n | Burr |
Nutmeg, flowering | n | Elisha’s Tears |
Nutty slack | n | Culm |