• More vocational training so that we don’t have to import skilled workers, Government bursaries for courses in areas where there is a skill shortage.
  • Local production for local need.
  • End the PFI. Government contracts in Wessex should only go to Wessex-based public sector organizations, co-operatives or worker-owned businesses. Preferably, services should be provided in-house.
  • A Regional Health Service for Wessex.
  • A proportion of shares in railway companies to go to season ticket holders.
  • Worker boards and local authority boards, along German lines.
  • Short-term fund management investors should not be able to vote at company meetings.
  • All companies over a certain size should have three audits: financial, social and environmental.
  • No company should have more than 16% of the market in its sector in any given county.
  • A regional development agency for co-operatives, like the one in Emilia-Romagna, where co-operatives supply 35% of regional GDP.
  • Creation of a regional development bank. The break-up of RBS while it is still in public ownership may provide an opportunity for this.