Wessex political thinkers: William Barnes
We recently received an email criticising this blog for focusing too much on "an undifferentiated English radical tradition" and on influences from America and Eastern Europe at the expense of…
We recently received an email criticising this blog for focusing too much on "an undifferentiated English radical tradition" and on influences from America and Eastern Europe at the expense of…
What’s the point of political devolution in a world of globalist economics, where democracy can’t change a thing because there’s no world government to hold multi-nationals in check? A good…
“Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor liberty to purchase power.” Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack (1738)If you’re going to keep on repeating lies, the risk isn’t that others will…
“'William Barnes, you say? What possible relevance could he have today?' 'Well, I suppose people who like Dorset might be interested, or some local historian or Wessex regionalist, but as…