Gabbard | adj | Derelict (of house) |
Gabbern | adj | Bare (of room) |
Gach | n | Dirt |
Gaff (1) | n | Hook |
Gaff (2) | n | Sideshow |
Gaffle (1) | n | Dung-fork |
Gaffle (2) | v | Flock |
Gaffle (3) | n | Padding (for cudgel-play) |
Gaft | n | Eel-hook |
Gag | int | Call to geese |
Gagement | n | Engagement |
Gage-Ring | n | Engagement ring |
Gain | adj | Direct (of road) |
Gait | n | Two buckets carried with a yoke |
Gaitle | v | Wander |
Gake | v | Ruffle feathers |
Galanda | n | Veranda |
Galash | v | Cover a shoe with leather |
Gale (1) | n | Bog-myrtle |
Gale (2) | n | Bull, gelded |
Gale (3) | n | Licence to mine in the Forest of Dean |
Galeeny | n | Guinea-fowl |
Gale-Headed | adj | Stupid |
Gallant | v | Flirt with woman |
Gallantee | v | Guarantee |
Galler | v | Add cold water to boiling pot |
Gallier | n | Beating |
Galliganting | adj | Clumsy |
Galligant | v | Gallivant |
Galligantus | n | Ungainly person or animal |
Galligaskins | n | Leggings |
Gallithumpians | n | Disruptors of elections |
Gallitrap | n | Circle of grass into which anyone who steps will be delivered to justice |
Gallon | n | Used as a dry as well as a liquid measure |
Gallop | v | Boil quickly |
Gallow-Grass | n | Hemp |
Galls | int | Gosh |
Gally | v | Frighten |
Gallybagger | n | Scarecrow |
Gallycrow | n | Scarecrow |
Galva | v | Throb |
Galyant | adj | Gallant |
Gambadoes | n | Gaiters, leathern |
Gamber | n | Thigh |
Gamester | n | Cudgel player |
Gamfergreygle | n | Orchid |
Gammer | n | Woodlouse |
Gammet | n | Amusement |
Gammock | n | Amusement |
Gammon | n | Amusement |
Gammotty | adj | Mouldy (of cheese) |
Gamoon | v | Roam |
Gamsy | adj | Sticky |
Gandigoslings | n | Early purple orchis |
Gane-Fish | n | Garfish |
Gangageous | adj | Careful |
Gannick | v | Frolic |
Ganny | n | Turkey |
Ganny-Wedge | n | Wedge used in mining |
Gant | adj | Lanky |
Gantry | n | Frame for casks |
Gaowing | v | Chiding |
Gapes | v | Gape |
Gaping-stick | n | Spoon |
Gappy | adj | Far apart |
Gapshly | n | Fool |
Garden-house | n | Toilet, outside |
Garland day | n | Mayday |
Garley-Gut | n | Glutton |
Garlick | n | Garlic, wild |
Garment | n | Chemise |
Garn (1) | n | Garden |
Garn (2) | n | Granary |
Garston | n | Enclosure for cattle |
Gashly | adj | Ghastly |
Gastable | adj | Unruly |
Gastly-Thoughted | n | Afraid of ghosts |
Gatchel | n | Mouth |
Gatfer | n | Old man |
Gaubber | n | Wicket-keeper |
Gaub-Hole | n | Yorker, bowl a (cricket) |
Gaudly | adj | Gaudy |
Gaudery | n | Finery |
Gaudy | n | Feast-day at University of Oxford |
Gauge-brick | n | Brick which shows, by change of colour, when an oven is hot enough for baking |
Gauger | n | Exciseman |
Gaum (1) | v | Manhandle |
Gaum (2) | v | Dirty |
Gaun | n | Gallon |
Gavel | v | Pay mining duty |
Gavelkind | n | Custom of dividing up an estate among sons |
Gaverhale | n | Jack snipe |
Gaw | int | God |
Gawan | n | Bog-myrtle |
Gawk (1) | n | Cuckoo |
Gawk (2) | adj | Left-handed |
Gawk (3) | v | Spit |
Gawk (4) | v | Squelch (of ground) |
Gawkum | n | Fool |
Gawney | n | Fool |
Gay | n/v | See-saw |
Gaysome | adj | Cheerful |
Gazey | adj | Public |
Geard | n | Yard |
Gearing | n | Side-rails of wagon |
Gehezie-Cheese | v | Cheese, poor quality |
Gehoe | n | Sledge |
Geleez | adj | Abundant |
Gemminy | int | By Gemini! |
Genge | n | Depth (of soil) |
Genteel | adj | Appropriate |
Gentry-Man | n | Gentleman |
Georgy | n | Starling |
Geower | v | Brawl |
Gerbe | n | Hay, handful of |
Gerred | adj | Dirty |
Gettet | adj | Cracked, slightly |
Gibber | v | Sweat |
Gibberwoling | v | Caterwauling |
Gibble | n | Onion |
Gibble-Gabble | n | Babble |
Gibby | n | Sheep, child's name for |
Gibby-legs | n | Legs thinner on calf-side |
Gibby-heels | n | Heels with chilblains |
Giblets | n | Fragments |
Gicks | n | Dry stalks of umbelliferous plants |
Gid | n | Dizziness |
Giddling | adj | Giddy |
Giddy | adj | Furious |
Gide | n | Jelly |
Gidger | n | Gridiron |
Giffin | n | Jiffy |
Gig (1) | n | Rowboat |
Gig (2) | v | Snigger |
Giggary | n | Daffodil |
Giggle | v | Wriggle |
Giglet | n | Hoochie |
Gildart | n | Trap, animal |
Gill (1) | n | Ground-ivy |
Gill (2) | n | Timber-carriage |
Gillet | n | Thatcher's tool |
Gilly | n | Wallflower |
Gilty | adj | Gilded |
Gilt-Cup | n | Buttercup |
Gimcrack | adj | Unreliable |
Gimlet -eyed | adj | Squint-eyed |
Gimmal | n | Hinge |
Gimmel | n | Gambrel |
Gimmer | n | Ewe, young |
Gin-and water | n | Deal conducted over a drink |
Gin (1) | v | Begin |
Gin (2) | prep | Against |
Gindy | n | Bandy (sport) |
Ging | v | Bewitch |
Gingerbread-stone | n | Oolite, bed of |
Gird | v | Sneer |
Girdle (1) | n | Gridiron |
Girdle (2) | n | Great deal |
Girl | n | Maidservant |
Girlopp | n | Oaf |
Girse | n | Girth |
Girt | n | Saddle-girth |
Gite | n | Habit |
Gizer | n | Mistle thrush |
Gladdy | n | Yellowhammer |
Glade | v | Look slyly at |
Glam (1) | n | Noise |
Glam (2) | n | Wound |
Glam (3) | v | Tether |
Glare | n/v | Glaze (enamel) |
Glassen | adj | Glass, made of |
Glat | n | Gap (in hedge) |
Glaur | n | Mud, liquid |
Glaze | v | Polish |
Glean (1) | n | Handful of corn |
Glean (2) | v | Leer |
Gleany | n | Guinea-fowl |
Gleary | adj | Shiny |
Gleed | n | Spark |
Glib (1) | n | Ram, castrated |
Glib (2) | n | Boar, castrated |
Glib (3) | adj | Smooth |
Glibe | n | Glebe |
Glidder | n | Enamel |
Glide | v | Slide on ice |
Glimmer | v | Blink |
Glimpse of the Evening | n | Twilight |
Glince | adj | Slippery |
Glinder | n | Shallow tub |
Glir | v | Slide |
Glister (1) | v | Glisten |
Glister (2) | n | Enema |
Glit | v | Cram |
Gloat | v | Sulk |
Globber | n | Miser |
Globe | n | Globeflower |
Gloom | v | Darken |
Glore | v | Squint |
Glorum | n | Fire, large |
Glory-Hole | n | Store cupboard |
Gloss | n | Pegging-tops (game) |
Glout | v | Pout |
Glove | v | Make gloves |
Glow | n | Coal, glowing |
Glow | v | Glower |
Glower | n | Rock whiting |
Glox | v | Gurgle (of liquid) |
Gloze | n | Delusion |
Glubcalf | n | Calf raised for beef |
Glum | n | Gleam (of light) |
Glump | v | Look miserable |
Glumpy | adj | Sullen |
Glum-Pot | n | Gallipot |
Glunt | v | Glance |
Glut | v | Overfeed |
Glutch | v | Swallow with difficulty |
Glüde | v | Glimmer |
Gnaggle | v | Gnaw |
Gnaing | v | Mock |
Gnarl (1) | n | Swollen lymph node |
Gnarl (2) | v | Gnaw |
Gnat | n | Knot (bird) |
Gnaw-post | n | Fool |
Gnif | conj | Unless |
Goad-inch | n | Plough-boy |
Goadsman | n | Driver of ox-team |
Goat | v | Set up unbound corn in a field |
Goat-owl | n | Nightjar |
Gob (1) | n | Mouthful |
Gob (2) | n | Rubbish |
Gobbalew | n | Coastguard |
Gobbet | n | Fragment of human flesh washed up after a shipwreck |
Gobbles | n | Splashes caused by heavy rainfall |
Godmer | n | Woman, old |
Gog | n | Bog |
Goge | int | Exclamation of disgust |
Goggle | v | Stagger |
Goigh | adj | Merry |
Golaightly | adj | Well-built |
Gold | n | Sweet-willow |
Goldilocks | n | Wood crowfoot |
Gollack | n | God (minced oath) |
Gollaker | n | Throat |
Gollop | n | Dollop |
Gommer | n | Grandmother |
Gommered | adj | Cobbled together |
Gooden | int | Good evening |
Goodger | n | Man, old |
Goodgers | n | Devil, the (minced oath) |
Gooding | v | Thomasing |
Goodman | n | Paterfamilias |
Good-Den | int | Good evening |
Gook | n | Bonnet |
Gooseberry mackerel | n | Mackerel, variety of |
Gooseberry-wife | n | Caterpillar, hairy |
Goosen-Chick | n | Gosling |
Gooser | n | Clincher (in argument) |
Goosey-gander | n | Early purple orchis |
Goosier | n | Goose-breeder |
Gor | n | Buffoon |
Gorb-Eel | n | Broad-nosed eel |
Gor-Belly | n | Glutton |
Gorcrow | n | Carrion crow |
Gore (1) | n | Land, triangular piece of |
Gore (2) | n | Goad |
Gore (3) | v | Flay |
Gore (4) | v | Trust |
Gore-coat | n | Petticoat, gored |
Gorgey | v | Tremble |
Gorm | int | Damn |
Gorry | adj | Obese |
Gorse | n | Fied restharrow |
Gosling | n | Catkin |
Goss | v | Guzzle |
Gossan | n | Yellow earth just above a mineral seam |
Gotch | n | Pitcher |
Gote | n | Drain |
Gourl | v | Growl |
Gout | n | Drain |
Gowder | v | Copulate (of animals) |
Gower | n | Platter |
Gowk | n | Cuckoo |
Gownd | n | Gown |
Goyle | n | Gully |
Grab (1) | n | Crab-apple |
Grab (2) | v | Dig up with bare hands |
Grabble | v | Grab |
Grabby | adj | Dirty |
Gracy daisy | n | Daffodil |
Gradeley | adj | Respectable |
Graff (1) | n | Pig, hand-reared |
Graff (2) | n | Ditch |
Grafted | adj | Dirty |
Grail | n | Chaff |
Grained | adj | Ingrained |
Grainy | adj | Bad-tempered |
Gramfer | n | Grandfather |
Grammary | adj | Grammatical |
Grammer | n | Grandmother |
Grammy | n | Grandmother |
Gramp | n | Grandfather |
Granch | v | Crunch |
Grandame | n | Grandmother |
Grandfather | n | Daddy-long-legs |
Grandfer | n | Grandfather |
Grandmother's slippers | n | Bird's-foot trefoil |
Grange | v | Granary |
Granny's nightcap | n | Bindweed |
Grape | n | Grapnel |
Grapse | v | Grasp |
Grapslin | n | Twilight |
Grate (1) | v | Graze |
Grate (2) | v | Snatch |
Grater | v | Grind |
Gratings | n | Right of feeding in the stubbles |
Gravel path | n | Milky Way, the |
Graveling | n | Salmon, young |
Graves | n | Refuse from tallow-making |
Grawl | v | Salmon, young |
Graze | v | Fatten cattle |
Greasy | adj | Muddy (of ground) |
Greatish | adj | Rather great |
Greaty-milk | n | Porridge |
Gree | v | Agree |
Greeable | adj | Agreeable |
Greecums | n | Whims |
Greensward | n | Grassland |
Greep | n | Handful |
Greet | n | Soil, fine |
Greggle | n | Hyacinth, wild |
Gregory | n | Daffodil |
Grew | v | Adhere to the pan while boiling (of milk) |
Grib | n | Bite, unexpected (by animal) |
Gribble (1) | n | Blackthorn, young |
Gribble (2) | n | Refuse from lard |
Griddle | v | Grind coarsely |
Griddler | n | Fork with seven tines, used chiefly for coal |
Griffin | n | Apple, variety of |
Grig (1) | n | Eel |
Grig (2) | n | Cricket (insect) |
Grig (3) | n | Person, cheerful |
Grig (4) | n | Blackthorn |
Grig (5) | v | Pinch |
Grig (6) | adj | Fretful |
Grigger-Cake | n | Crepe |
Griggles | n | Apples, small |
Grill | v | Snarl (of dog) |
Grim | adj | Grimy |
Grin (1) | n | Snare |
Grin (2) | v | Grimace |
Grincums | n | Syphilis |
Grinding-Stone | n | Grindstone |
Gringel | n | Viper's bugloss |
Grintern | n | Compartment in granary |
Grip (1) | n | Ditch |
Grip (2) | n | Handful |
Griskin | n | Pork chop |
Gristling | n | Plum, wild |
Grit | n | Sandstone |
Gritchie | v | Flinch |
Grited | v | Planted |
Grizbite | v | Gnash |
Grize | v | Gnash |
Grizzle (1) | v | Laugh derisively |
Grizzle (2) | adj | Grey |
Grizzle (3) | n | Silicous bed of Upper Greensand |
Grom | v | Soil |
Groom | n | Thatcher's tool |
Groom-Keeper | n | Officer of the New Forest |
Groove | n | Mine, lead |
Grope | v | Grasp |
Gropsing | n | Dusk |
Gross (1) | adj | Stodgy (of food) |
Gross (2) | adj | Luxuriant (of vegetation) |
Grout | n | Ale, new |
Grout | v | Root (like pig) |
Grouty | adj | Threatening (of sky) |
Groves | n | Lesser duckweed |
Grow | v | Sprout |
Growan | n | Granite, coarse |
Growing | v | Good for plants (of weather) |
Growze | v | Shiver |
Grozen | n | Grove |
Grozens | n | Lesser duckweed |
Grub (1) | n | Ball bowled along the ground in cricket |
Grub (2) | v | Dig up by roots |
Grubb | n | Bed of stone in Swanage quarries |
Grubbel | n | Apple tree in a hedge |
Gruchy | v | Shrink up in pain |
Grue | v | Shudder |
Gruels | n | Pig fat from which lard has been extracted |
Gruff | v | Snore |
Grum | adj | Surly |
Grumble | adj | Discontented |
Grump | v | Grumble |
Grumpshun | n | Gumption |
Grumsel | n | Dandelion |
Grunter | n | Sow (pig) |
Grönshka | n | Grass on clod of earth |
Gub | n | Stone, misshapen |
Gubb | n | Third wheel |
Gubbarn | n | Cesspit |
Gubberty | adj | Misshapen |
Gubbings | n | Fish offal |
Gubbins | n | Dartmoor natives |
Gubby | n | Crowd |
Guckoo | n | Cuckoo |
Guddle | v | Guzzle |
Gudgen | n | Cutting (of plant) |
Gudgeon | n | Pivot of axle |
Guess | n | Type (in phrase "another guess of") |
Guggle (1) | n | Shell of snail |
Guggle (2) | v | Gurgle |
Guile | n | Vat (brewing) |
Guinea-pig | n | Woodlouse |
Gule | v | Mock |
Gule | v | Amaze |
Gulkin | n | Dell |
Gull | n | Gosling, unfledged |
Gull-teaser | n | Common tern |
Gullet | n | Gully |
Gullock | v | Gulp down |
Gully | n | Gutter, deep |
Gullymouth | n | Pitcher |
Gulp | v | Move sluggishly |
Gulty-Cup | n | Buttercup |
Gumble | v | Be too large (of clothes) |
Gummy | adj | Swollen (of ankles) |
Gump | n | Tumulus |
Gumph | n | Idiot |
Gum-Flower | n | Flower, artificial |
Gund | n | Scabies (in sheep) |
Gunny | v | Line up (of shot) |
Gurbed | adj | Muddy |
Gurdle | v | Growl (of dog) |
Gurgeons | n | Bran |
Gurl | v | Growl (of dog) |
Gurry | n | Wheelbarrow |
Gurt | n | Rut (in road) |
Gush | v | Scare |
Gusset | n | Early purple orchis |
Gut | n | Gully |
Gutchie | int | Call to pigs |
Guts | v | Guzzle |
Gutted | adj | Dirty |
Gutter | v | Guzzle |
Guttle | v | Guzzle |
Gutty | adj | Fat |
Guzzen-Dirt | n | Dirt of mud-pools |
Guzzle | n | Gutter |
Guzzle-Berry | n | Gooseberry |
Gwyle | n | Glen at mouth of stream |
Gye | n | Ditch, saltwater |