Icelet | n | Icicle |
Ice-Bone | n | H-bone |
Ichet | n | Itch |
Ichila-Pea | n | Mistle thrush |
Ickitty-Pickitty | adv | Jerkily |
Icybell | n | Icicle |
Iddy-Iddy-All | n | Ball game, children's |
Idjit | n | Type of agricultural implement |
Idleton | n | Slacker |
If zo be as | conj | If (intensive of) |
Ignorant | adj | Ill-mannered |
Igsy-Pigsy | adj | Higgledy-piggledy |
Ilt | n | Piglet |
Image | n | Plaster figure |
Ime | n | Nose, tip of |
Imitate | v | Resemble |
Immedient | adj | Immediate |
Imp | n | Shoot (of plant) |
Imperence | n | Impudence |
Imperent | adj | Impudent |
Impingall | n | Ulcer |
Improve | v | Learn one's trade |
Impse | n | Image |
Inbred | adj | Native |
Inch | n | Encroach |
Inchor | n | Shoot (of tree) |
Inclinable | adj | Inclined to |
Indel | adv | Indoors |
Indetriment | n | Detriment |
India | n | India-rubber |
Indian-pink | adj | Ragged robin |
Indoor servant | n | Live-in servant |
Indoors | adj | Live-in (of servant) |
Infaring | adv | Within |
Infirm | adj | Foolish |
Information | n | Inflammation |
Ingle-Dog | n | Earthworm |
Inground | n | Enclosed land |
Injist | adv | Almost |
Injury to, do an | v | Bewitch |
Inkle | v | Conceive (idea or project) |
Inless | conj | Unless |
Inly | adv | Internally |
Inobedient | adj | Disobdient |
Intellects | n | Wits |
Interlean | adj | Streaky (of bacon) |
Intimated | adj | Intimate |
Intress | n | Interest (financial) |
Inwardly | adv | Sotto voce |
In-Tye | phr | Not I |
Ire (1) | n | Iron |
Ire (2) | n | Onion |
Irenese | n | Rennet |
Iron-back | n | Iron plate at back of chimney |
Ironen | adj | Iron, made of |
Isabella | n | Game played by young people |
Isle-Of-Wight dog | n | Laziness |
Isle-Of-Wight parson | n | Cormorant |
Isle-Of-Wight rock | n | Cheese, variety of |
Isle-Of-Wight vine | n | Bryony |
Isnet | n | Small bugloss |
Iss | adv | Yes |
Itching-berries | n | Dog rose hips |
Item | n | Idea |
Ivers, my | int | Eyes, my! |
Ivy-drum | n | Ivy, climbing |
Ivy-flower | n | Common hepatica |
Izey-Tizey | adj | Uncertain |
Izzard | n | Z (letter) |