Maaker | n | Oven cleaner |
Maamouth | n | Gossip |
Maaycock, Sb. | n | Narcissist |
Machine-house | n | Shed containing horse-gear |
Mack | n | In heat |
Macky-Moon | n | Fool |
Mad | adj | Damaged (of land) |
Madder | n | Stinking camomile |
Maddock | n | Mattock |
Made | adj | Home-made (of wine) |
Madell | n | Nine men's morris (game) |
Maesh | n | Moss |
Maffle | v | Stammer |
Mag | n | Magpie |
Maggie Manyfeet | n | Centipede |
Maggle | v | Exhaust |
Maggot | n | Whim |
Maggotting | v | Meddling |
Magnify | v | Signify |
Magpie diver | n | Goldeneye |
Maig | n | Peg |
Mail | n | Vision, defect in |
Main | n | Large amount |
Mainly | adv | Exceedingly |
Maise | n | Stinking camomile |
Maithen | n | Stinking camomile |
Make | n | Friend |
Male | n | Dandelion |
Maleshag | n | Caterpillar |
Mall | n | Ploughshare |
Mallace | n | Marsh-mallow (flower) |
Mallard | n | Marsh-mallow (flower) |
Maller | n | Hoe |
Mallet, swing the | phr | Strike while the iron is hot |
Malling | n | Beating |
Mallock | n | Pig |
Mallow | n | Marsh-mallow (flower) |
Malls | n | Measles |
Mally | n | Mansplainer |
Malter | n | Malt dealer |
Mam | n | Mother |
Mammer | v | Confuse |
Mammock | n | Fragment |
Mammy | v | Mother |
Mampus | n | Crowd |
Manch | v | Munch |
Manchet | n | Loaf, small |
Mander (1) | v | Order around |
Mander (2) | n | Manner |
Mandrake | n | White bryony |
Mandy (1) | v | Command |
Mandy (2) | adj | Domineering |
Mane-comb | n | Comb for horses' manes |
Mang | v | Mix |
Manghangle | v | Mangle |
Mangy | adj | Itchy |
Mangy-Bed | n | Bed of Downs vein stone |
Manner | n | Manure |
Mannish | adj | Overbearing |
Mantle-shelf | n | Mantlepiece |
Map | n | Mop |
Maplin-Tree | n | Maple |
Mapse | v | Smack lips |
Mapus | n | Head |
Map-Mouthed | adj | Toothless |
Marblers | n | Stonecutters, Swanage Company of |
March-bird | n | Person or animal born in March |
Mare-Blob | n | Marsh Marigold |
Mare-Rode | adj | Possessed |
Marg | n | Stinking camomile |
Margaret | n | Magpie |
Margaret's Flood | n | Heavy rain around St Margaret's Day |
Margiowlet | n | Moth, pantry |
Margon | n | Camomile |
Mariners | n | Fox and Geese (game) |
Mark, Luke and John | n | Four-poster bed with broken leg |
Marking-Iron | n | Branding Iron |
Marl (1) | v | Become mottled |
Marl (2) | v | Marvel |
Marl (3) | v | Ravel |
Marlborough-Handed | adj | Left-handed |
Marlebrute | n | Earth in lime rock |
Marnull | n | Othello (game), primitive version of |
Married | adj | Past her prime (of woman) |
Marrow-bones | n | Knees |
Marshalsea Money | n | Council tax |
Martin | n | Heifer, twin of a bull-calf |
Maskel | n | Caterpillar, green |
Masley | adj | Knotty (of wood) |
Masoner (1) | n | Mason |
Masoner (2) | n | Bricklayer |
Masony | v | Work as a mason or bricklayer |
Mass | n | Acorn |
Massacree | v | Massacre |
Masser | n | Shithouse |
Mastick | n | Acorn |
Mat-grass | n | Wire-bent (grass) |
Match it out | v | Make provisions last for a long time |
Mate | n | Carter's assistant |
Mated | adj | Confused |
Math (1) | n | Mowing |
Math (2) | n | Litter (of pigs) |
Mather (1) | v | Turn round before lying down (of animal) |
Mather (2) | int | Come hither (to horse) |
Matrimony | n | Gin mixed with whisky or rum |
Maudlin | n | Ox-eye daisy |
Maul-Stone | n | Stone on which paint is ground |
Maulyarn | n | Lapwing |
Maund | v | Beg |
Mauth | n | Moss |
Mawk (1) | n | Oven cleaner |
Mawk (2) | v | Frighten |
Mawkish | adj | Drunk |
Mawks | n | Clumsy girl |
Mawksy | adj | Over-ripe (of fruit) |
Mawky | adj | Over-sweet |
Mawp | n | Bullfinch |
Mawther | n | Mother |
Maxim | v | Play |
May-Beetle | n | Cockchafer |
Mayhap | adv | Perhaps |
May-Game | n | Joke, practical |
Maze | v | Amaze |
Mazegerry | n | Impetuous person |
Mazell | n | Mezereon |
Mazery | n | Tomfoolery |
Mazing | adv | Amazingly |
Mazy | adj | Crazy for |
Mazzard (1) | n | Head |
Mazzard (2) | n | Wild cherry |
Mazzardy | adj | Knotty (of wood) |
Mead | n | Meadow |
Meader | n | Mower |
Meaker | n | Minnow |
Meant | n | Meaning |
Meapee | v | Blow raspberry |
Mease | n | Measure |
Measly | adj | White-spotted |
Meazle | n | Leper |
Mecklekeckle | adj | Poor-quality |
Meech | v | Skulk |
Meejick | n | Strange thing |
Meek | adj | Depressive |
Meeking | adj | Ailing |
Meese | n | Moss |
Meet | adj | Proper |
Megrim | n | Whim |
Melancholy | adj | Unsatisfactory |
Melander | n | Disturbance |
Mell (1) | n | Warming-pan |
Mell (2) | v | Mingle |
Mell (3) | v | Meow |
Mellow | adj | Ripe |
Melt | v | Malt |
Menaager | v | Cobble together |
Menagerie | n | Collection of odds and ends |
Menagery | n | Contrivance |
Mends | n | Amends |
Mengy | n | Minnow |
Mennem | n | Minnow |
Ment | v | Resemble |
Meowl | v | Meow |
Merchantable | adj | Saleable |
Merrick | n | Alfalfa |
Merrils | n | Nine men's morris (game) |
Merry | n | Wild cherry |
Mersk | n | Marsh |
Mesh | n | Rabbit-run |
Messlin | adj | Mischievous |
Messment | n | Mess |
Metheglin | n | Beer made with honey |
Methody | n | Methodist |
Meuse | n | Form (of hare) |
Mezell | n | Spurge-olive |
Michaelmas Blackbird | n | Ring ouzel |
Mickle | adj | Large |
Mickled | adj | Parched |
Middlekin | adj | Tolerable |
Middlemas | n | Michaelmas |
Middlemish | adj | Moderate |
Middlemost | adj | Central |
Midgemadge | n | Confusion |
Midgen | n | Pig-fat |
Midgerum | n | Pig-fat |
Midred | n | Midriff |
Midsummer Daisy | n | Feverfew |
Miffy | n | Devil, the |
Mig | adj | Sweet |
Miggy | adj | Muggy |
Mike | v | Loiter |
Milcher | n | Milch-cow |
Milder | v | Decay |
Mileway Money | n | Payment made to the Mayor of Oxford |
Milemas | n | Michaelmas |
Milky-dashel | n | Sow-thistle |
Millet | n | Wood club-rush |
Milt (1) | n | Spleen |
Milt (2) | n | Fluke |
Mim | adj | Prim |
Mimmam | n | Bog |
Mimmock | n | Milquetoast |
Mimp | n | Speak in an affected manner |
Mimpsy-Pimsy | adj | Affected |
Minch | v | Play truant |
Minery | n | Mine |
Ming | v | Knead |
Minikin | adj | Effeminate |
Minnie | n | Minnow |
Minnock | v | Put on airs and graces |
Mint | n | Mite |
Mire | v | Admire |
Mirk | n | Twilight |
Misbegot | n | Bastard |
Misbelieve | v | Disbelieve |
Miscall | v | Abuse |
Mischiefful | adj | Mischievous |
Miscreden | n | Miscreant |
Misdo | v | Transgress |
Miserable | adj | Large (of amount) |
Misfortunate | adj | Unfortunate |
Misfortune meat | n | Roadkill |
Misgive | v | Fail |
Misgo | v | Fail |
Mishap | n | Miscarriage |
Misk | n | Mist |
Mislest | v | Molest |
Mislike | v | Dislike |
Mislook | v | Mislay |
Misreckon | v | Miscalculate |
Mist-pond | n | Dew-pond |
Mistrust | v | Distrust |
Mistry | v | Deceive |
Misword | n | Unkind word |
Mit | n | Maggot |
Mith | aux v | Might |
Miver | n | Mortar |
Mix-medley | v | Jumble |
Mixen | n | Dunghill |
Miz | adj | Bad |
Miz Maze | adj | Confusion |
Mize | v | Ooze |
Miz-Wet | n | Mist |
Moappee | v | Blow raspberry |
Mobby | n | Vodka |
Mock (1) | n | Tree stump |
Mock (2) | n | Apple pulp left in cider press |
Mog mog mog | int | Call to calves |
Mogg | v | Pout |
Moggy | n | Calf |
Mogue | v | Deceive |
Mogvurd | n | Mugwort |
Moine | n | Dunghill |
Moist | v | Moisten |
Moither | v | Confuse |
Moke (1) | n | Donkey |
Moke (2) | n | Mesh |
Moke (3) | v | Loaf |
Mokins | n | Gaiters |
Mokus | n | Donkey |
Mole | n | Nape |
Moll-Andrew | n | Charlatan |
Mollicrush | v | Crush |
Mollipeart | adj | Hyperactive |
Molly-Coddle | n | Effeminate boy |
Moll-Hern | n | Heron |
Momble | v | Jumble |
Mommet | n | Corn-dolly |
Mommetry | n | Idolatry |
Month's mind | n | Inclination, strong |
Moocher | n | Blackberry |
Mood (1) | n | Yeast |
Mood (2) | n | Pancreas (of animal, cooked) |
Moodywant | n | Mole (animal) |
Mool | v | Till (soil) |
Moonied | adj | Spoilt (of child) |
Moorish | adj | Earthy |
Moory | adj | Marshy |
Mooster | v | Hurry |
Moot (1) | n | Tree stump |
Moot (2) | v | Move |
Mop (1) | n | Tuft (of grass) |
Mop (2) | v | Fidget |
Mopse | v | Mope |
Morbleu | int | Mort dieu (minced oath) |
More | n | Root (of plant) |
Mort (1) | n | Abundance |
Mort (2) | n | Lard |
Mort (3) | n | Mortar |
Mortable | adv | Very |
Mortify | v | Annoy |
Mose | v | Smoulder |
Moses | n | Mouse |
Mosey | adj | Muggy |
Moss | v | Thatch with moss |
Moss caught the mare, as | phr | Caught napping |
Mot | n | Moat |
Mote | n | Moth |
Motherish (1) | adj | Homesick |
Motherish (2) | adj | Curdled |
Mouch | v | Eat greedily |
Mouel | n | Field-mouse |
Mought | aux v | Might |
Mould (1) | v | Bury |
Mould (2) | n | Embryo |
Moulder | v | Smoulder |
Moulter (1) | v | Moult |
Moulter (2) | v | Moulder |
Mound | n | Boundary |
Mountain-colly | n | Ring ouzel |
Mounting-lark | adj | Skylark |
Moure | n | Turkey |
Mourn | v | Moan |
Mournful Widow | n | Sweet scabious |
Mouse-Ear | n | Wooly woundwort |
Move | v | Curtsey |
Mowhay | n | Rickyard |
Mowing -machine Bird | n | Grasshopper warbler |
Mowth | n | Mowing |
Moyle | n | Mule |
Mozil | n | Stirrup-cup |
Mps | adv | Yes |
Much | v | Stroke |
Muchety, Much of a | adj | Alike |
Mucka-Bucket | n | Bucket, lard |
Mucker | v | Dirty |
Muckinger | n | Handkerchief |
Muckle (1) | n | Manure |
Muckle (2) | v | Stoop |
Muckson | adj | In the dirt |
Mud (1) | aux v | May |
Mud (2) | v | Spoil (of child) |
Mud-and-stud | n | Cob (building material) |
Mudd | n | Airhead |
Muddle | v | Hand-rear |
Muddle about | v | Idle |
Mudel over | v | Cover plants with straw in winter |
Mudgetty | adj | Downtrodden (of grass) |
Muffety | adj | Long-haired (of cats) |
Muffler | n | Great crested grebe |
Mug (1) | n | Rump of animal |
Mug (2) | v | Beat |
Mug (3) | v | Huddle |
Mug (4) | v | Get drunk |
Muggard | adj | Sullen |
Muggaty | adj | Sullen |
Muggeroon | n | Mushroom |
Mugget | n | Chitterling |
Muggle (1) | n | Horseback |
Muggle (2) | v | Muddle along |
Muggleton | n | Rat |
Muggletony | n | Mongrel |
Muggle-Pin | n | Pin in centre of mole-trap |
Mughouse | n | Alehouse |
Mulberry | n | Flax dodder |
Mulere | n | Weasel |
Mull | v | Crumble |
Mullen | n | Bridle |
Muller | n | Mess |
Mullet-Hawk | n | Osprey |
Mull-head | n | Fool |
Mullin | n | Metheglin |
Mullum | adj | Crumbly |
Mully | n | Calf, child's name for |
Mullygrub-Gurgin | n | Mealworm (also used as insult) |
Multiplying-Glass | n | Magnifying glass |
Mum (1) | n | Beetle |
Mum (2) | n | Beer, strong |
Mum (3) | v | Pamper |
Mum (4) | v | Go mumming |
Mumble | v | Munch |
Mumbly | adj | Shapeless (of building stones) |
Mumbudget | adv | Secretly |
Mumchance | adj | Dumb |
Mummy (1) | n | Pulp |
Mummy (2) | adj | Dusky |
Mump | n | Lump |
Mumpoker | n | Bogeyman |
Mumpole | v | Beat |
Mump-Head | n | Cask, kind of |
Mumruffin | n | Long-tailed tit |
Mun | pron | Must |
Munch | n | Lunch |
Munge | v | Munch |
Muntle | n | Line attached to salmon net |
Munton | n | Beam, upright |
Mur | n | Dormouse |
Murchy | n | Mischief |
Murder come up with | n | Havoc |
Mure | n | Barrel-stand |
Murfle | n | Freckle |
Murr | n | Head cold |
Murre | n | Guillemot |
Murrain | n | Chickweed |
Muscle-Plum | n | Plum, variety of |
Muscovy | n | Musky heron's-bill |
Muse | v | Amuse |
Musicker | n | Musician |
Musk-button | n | Michaelmas daisy |
Must (1) | n | Children's game |
Must (2) | v | Become mouldy |
Mustachin | n | Moustache |
Mustard-cress | n | White mustard |
Muster | n | Litter (of animals) |
Mute | n | Mule |
Mute, run | v | Run silently (of hounds) |
Mutter | v | Crumble (of soil) |
Mutton-chops | n | Goose-grass, shoots of |
Muty-Hearted | adj | Sensitive |
Muzz | n | Confusion |
Muzzle (1) | n | Jaw |
Muzzle (2) | v | Knock down |
Myself, in | pron | In my general health |