Pacify | v | Satisfy |
Packet, sell a | v | Defraud |
Packing-penny day | n | Fair, last day of |
Pad (1) | n | Saddle, padded |
Pad (2) | n | Foot (of fox) |
Pad (3) | n | Brewing-tub |
Pad (4) | n | Path |
Paddle (1) | n | Spade |
Paddle (2) | v | Handle with fingers |
Paddy | adj | Worm-eaten |
Paddy's Toothache | n | Pregnancy |
Padgel | v | Mend |
Pad-Land | n | Parish pound |
Padlog | n | Putlog |
Page,Have a | v | Be perrmanently employed |
Paigle | n | Cowslip |
Pail-stake | n | Stand for hanging milk-pails |
Pail | v | Pile on |
Painful | adj | Laborious |
Paintbrushes | n | Aglet-headed rush |
Painted Lady | n | Sweet-pea |
Pair | n | Flight (of stairs) |
Paise | v | Weigh |
Paixy | adj | Untidy |
Pake | v | Stroll |
Palace | n | Cellar |
Palch | adj | Mend |
Pale | n | Rail |
Pally | v | Shuffle along |
Palm | v | Slap |
Palmer-worm | n | Caterpillar |
Pam | n | Jack of clubs |
Pame | n | Christening robes |
Pamper | v | Tamper |
Pan (1) | n | Drag (agricultural implement) |
Pan (2) | n | Tadpole |
Panch | n | Crockery, broken |
Pancrock | n | Petticoat |
Pane (1) | n | Plot (of land) |
Pane (2) | n | Parsnip |
Panger | n | Pannier |
Pank | v | Scrump (for apples) |
Pannage | n | Acorns used as food for pigs |
Pannel (1) | n | Saddle, padded |
Pannel (2) | v | Hurt |
Panshard | n | Crockery, broken |
Pant | n | Romp |
Pantle | v | Bird-snare |
Pantony | n | Pantry |
Papern | adj | Paper, made of |
Papish | n | Roman Catholic |
Papistry | n | Roman Catholicism |
Par (1) | v | Enclose |
Par (2) | v | Overfeed (animal) |
Paradise Plant | n | Mezereon |
Parasol | n | Salad Burnet |
Parbreaking | adj | Dyspeptic |
Parent | adj | Lifelike |
Parge | v | Plaster |
Parget | v | Plaster |
Paring-sull | n | Breast-plough |
Park-Picking | v | Stone clearing in park |
Parle | v | Converse |
Parliament | n | Ginger Nut |
Parlous | n | Uncertain |
Parre | n | Leveret |
Parrock | n | Paddock |
Parrot-billed Willock | n | Razorbill |
Parsley-bed | n | Cabbage patch (in answer to child's question about where babies come from) |
Parter | n | Plate of wagon |
Particular | adv | Particularly |
Partlet | n | Ruff (clothing) |
Partways | adv | Partly |
Parwhobble | n | Conference |
Pash | n | Gush (of water) |
Pasmet | n | Parsnip |
Passage | n | Ferry |
Passionate | adj | Compassionate |
Past all | adj | Intolerable |
Pat | v | Blow |
Patchy | adj | Irritable |
Pate | adj | Weak |
Path-field | n | Field containing footpath |
Patientable | adj | Patient |
Patising | v | Splashing |
Patt | n | Crab |
Patted | v | Marked with footprints |
Pattern of, make a | v | Make an example of |
Pauk | v | Stroll |
Paunch (1) | n | Stomach and intestines of game animal |
Paunch (2) | v | Manhandle |
Paver | n | Paving-stone |
Pawd | n | Pot-belly |
Pawk | v | Pant |
Pawn | n | Forfeit (in game) |
Pawncock | n | Scarecrow |
Pawncy | v | Nurse an invalid |
Pax-Wax | n | Gristle |
Pea | n | Weight (in steelyard) |
Peace and Plenty | n | London Pride |
Peach-Bell | n | Peach-leaved bellflower |
Peacock | n | Pheasant |
Peaked | adj | Sickly |
Peaky | adj | Delicate |
Peal (1) | n | Outcry |
Peal (2) | n | Grilse |
Peal (3) | v | Pour |
Peal (4) | v | Lose hair |
Peal (5) | adj | Sickly |
Pear | v | Appear |
Pearl-blind | adj | Partially sighted |
Pearten | v | Enliven |
Peascod | n | Pea-pod |
Pease | v | Ooze |
Pease-Haulm | n | Pea-straw |
Peasipouse | n | Peas and beans growing together, crop of |
Pea-Finch | n | Chaffinch |
Peck (1) | n | Shoulder (of horse) |
Peck (2) | v | Pitch (ball etc) |
Pecked | adj | Pointed |
Pecker | n | Beak |
Pecksome | adj | Hungry |
Peck-Tooth | n | Toothpick |
Peculiar | n | Petunia |
Ped | n | Pannier |
Peddle-Backed | adj | Round-shouldered |
Pedlar's Basket | n | Ivy-leaved Toadflax |
Peech | v | Pave |
Peel (1) | n | Pillow |
Peel (2) | v | Run (of hare) |
Peeling | n | Peel (of apple) |
Peep | v | Dawn |
Peeper | n | Egg pie |
Peer (1) | n | Equal |
Peer (2) | n | Sea-slug |
Peer (3) | v | Clarify lard |
Peeweets | n | Eyebright |
Peezy-Weezies, have the | v | Sulk |
Pee-Wit | n | Whistle made with grass |
Peffle | v | Downpour |
Pegging | v | Settering |
Peggle | v | Patch up |
Peggy | n | Children's game |
Pelf | n | Food waste |
Pell | v | Thin (of hair) |
Pelt | n | Heel plate (for boots) |
Pen | n | Peak (hill) |
Pend | v | Depend |
Pendilo | n | Pendulum |
Pendle | n | Stratum (in quarry) |
Pennet | n | Pen for animals |
Penning | n | Pen for animals |
Pennywinkle | n | Periwinkle (shellfish) |
Penny-Headed | adj | Opinionated |
Penny-Moucher | n | Blackberry |
Penthouse | n | Stable attached to smithy where horses are shod |
Pen-Stock | n | Sluice |
Pepble | n | Cure-all |
Peppes | n | Foxglove |
Perfection, come to | v | Be in great pain |
Performed | adj | Complete |
Perishable | adj | Wretched |
Perk | n | Perch (for birds) |
Perkin | n | Washings (cider) |
Pern | v | Prosper |
Perry-Moucher | n | Blackberry |
Persh | n | Osier |
Personable | adj | Good-looking |
Pert | adj | Lively |
Pestle | n | Shank |
Petch | v | Settle |
Pe-Pe Bird | n | Wryneck |
Pheasant's Eye | n | Evergreen Alkanet |
Physgy | n | Pickaxe |
Pick | n | Notch |
Pickadog | n | Piked Dogfish |
Pickady | v | Sharpen |
Picked | adj | Peaked |
Picketty | adj | Studded |
Pickex | n | Pickaxe |
Picking | n | Parings |
Pick-Pocket | n | Shepherd's Purse |
Pick-Thank | n | Tell-tale |
Piddle | v | Idle |
Pie Picked | adj | Piebald |
Piecen | v | Reassemble |
Pie-Curr | n | Tufted Duck |
Pie-Finch | n | Chaffinch |
Piffle | v | Dawdle |
Pifkin | n | Jug, small |
Pigeony | n | Goose-pimples |
Piger | n | Pitcher |
Piggin | n | Milking-pail |
Piggin | n | Joist |
Piggy-Pie | n | Pie made from suckling-pigs |
Pightle | n | Enclosure |
Pigsnie | n | Term of affection for little girl |
Pig-Haw | n | Haw (fruit) |
Pig-Nut | n | Earth-Nut |
Pike | n | Turnpike |
Piked | n | Pointed |
Pikel | n | Pitchfork |
Pikelet | n | Crumpet |
Pilch (1) | n | Saddle-pad |
Pilch (2) | v | Steal |
Pilch (3) | v | Butt with horns (of animal) |
Pile (1) | n | Heap of ten faggots of wood |
Pile (2) | n | Awns of barley |
Pile (3) | n | Hurdle-stake |
Pile (4) | v | Welt a coat |
Pilk | v | Butt with horns (of animal) |
Pilkey | adj | Domineering |
Pilks | n | Sloes, small |
Pill (1) | n | Pillow |
Pill (2) | n | Pool |
Pill (3) | n | Pitcher |
Pill (4) | n | Rock |
Pill (5) | v | Peel |
Pillar | n | Vertical seam of rock salt left in salt mine to support ceiling |
Pillow | n | Pillow-case |
Pillow-Bere | n | Pillow-case |
Pill-Garlic | n | Worthless person or thing |
Pilm | n | Dust |
Pilmer | n | Shower, heavy |
Pimgenet | n | Pomegranate |
Pimlico order, in | n | Well-ordered |
Pimmocky | adj | Effete |
Pimp (1) | n | Firewood |
Pimp (2) | n | Pimple |
Pimping | n | Sickly |
Pimple | n | Head |
Pimpy | adj | Sickly |
Pimrose | n | Primrose |
Pin (1) | n | Hip |
Pin (2) | v | Clear up |
Pin (3) | prep | Upon |
Pin-Fallow | n | Winter fallow |
Pince | n | Pincers, pair of |
Pincer-Bob | n | Stag beetle, male |
Pinch (1) | n | Crowbar |
Pinch (2) | n | Stool |
Pincher | n | Tweezers |
Pincushion | n | Sweet Scabious |
Pindling | adj | Tiresome |
Pindy | adj | Mouldy |
Pine (1) | n | Pen for animals |
Pine (2) | n | End |
Pine-End | n | Gable-end |
Pine-Raft | n | Fossilised pine trees found at Brook Point, Isle of Wight |
Ping | v | Push |
Piniated | adj | Opinionated |
Pinion | n | Opinion |
Pinions | n | Wool, refuse of |
Pink (1) | n | Sea-pink |
Pink (2) | n | Chaffinch |
Pink (3) | v | Adorn |
Pink (4) | v | Fade (of daylight) |
Pink (5) | v | Push |
Pink-bed | n | Bed of stone in Swanage quarries |
Pinkie | n | Pincushion |
Pinking | adj | Ailing |
Pinky | adj | Drooping (of eyes) |
Pinnick | n | Child, small |
Pinnicking | adj | Ailing |
Pinny-Land | n | Arable land, chalky |
Pinswell | n | Pimple |
Pin-A-Sight | n | Peep show |
Pin-Cloth | n | Pinafore |
Pip (1) | n | Dyspepsia |
Pip (2) | n | Pimple |
Pip (3) | v | Crack eggshell in hatching |
Pipper | n | Trotter |
Pipperidge | n | Barberry |
Pipple | n | Aspen |
Pirch | v | Push |
Pirl | v | Spin |
Pishty | int | Call to dog |
Pishty-Wishty | adv | Irregularly |
Pister | v | Whisper |
Pisty-Poll | v | Piggy-back |
Pitch | v | Press |
Pitcher | n | Hopscotch |
Pitcher, like a bumblebee in a | adj | Indistinct in speech |
Pitching | n | Precipitation |
Pitchy | n | Itch |
Pitch-Poll | n | Somersault |
Pith | n | Breadcrumb |
Pithee | int | Prithee |
Pither | v | Swing the lead |
Pitisanquint | adv | So-so |
Pitous | adj | Piteous |
Pity | v | Love |
Pivert | n | Privet |
Pix | n | Pox |
Place, done to a | adj | Cooked just right (of meat) |
Plack | n | Plot of land, small |
Plaice | n | Fluke (worm) |
Plainish | adj | Mediocre |
Planch | n | Plank |
Plancher | v | Lay planks |
Planching | n | Flooring, wooden |
Planets, rule the | v | Practice astrology |
Plank | v | Bend |
Plant | n | Greater Plantain |
Planted | n | Ribwort Plantain |
Planting | n | Plantation |
Plasad | adj | In good condition |
Plashet | n | Quagmire |
Plast | v | Bloat |
Plat (1) | n | Cowpat |
Plat (2) | adj | Flat |
Platnore | n | Clay, type of |
Platter-foot | n | Foot, flat |
Platty | adj | Uneven (of crop) |
Play along | v | Hurry |
Playsome | adj | Playful |
Playward | adj | Playful |
Plazen | n | Places |
Please to have? | phr | What do you say? |
Pleasure about | v | Enjoy oneself |
Pleck | n | Plot (of land) |
Plenty | adj | Plentiful |
Plestor | n | Village green |
Plid | n | Dirt |
Plim (1) | adj | Perpendicular |
Plim (2) | v | Swell |
Plim (3) | v | Wave around |
Plit | n | Furrow |
Plitch | n | Hemp (fabric) |
Plock | n | Log |
Plog | n | Wooden block to hold halter in place |
Ploizy | adj | Frayed |
Ploshett | n | Quagmire |
Ploughed | adj | Arable (of land) |
Ploughing-Engine | n | Steam plough |
Ploughman’s-Weatherglass | n | Scarlet Pimpernel |
Plounce | v | Duck (in ducking stool) |
Plout | n | Plant |
Plubby | adj | Puffy |
Pluck-wool | n | Wool plucked from sheepskins |
Plucked | adj | Plucky |
Plud | n | Swampy surface of a ploughed field |
Pluff | v | Swell |
Pluffy | adj | Spongy |
Plug | n | Log |
Plum | v | Perpendicular |
Plump | n | Pump |
Plunge (1) | n | Difficulty |
Plunge (2) | n | Pool. deep |
Plunt | n | Cudgel |
Plushes | n | Hoops (of broom) |
Plushy | adj | Velvety |
Pluvyer | n | Plover |
Ply | v | Bend |
Plymouth Cloak | phr | Cudgel |
Poacher | n | Legget |
Pobble | v | Bubble |
Pock | v | Shove |
Pock-vurden | adj | Pock-marked |
Pod | n | Pot-belly |
Pode | n | Vaulting-pole |
Podge | n | Poke |
Podger | n | Dish, pewter |
Pog | v | Punch |
Poignard | n | Groom (thatching) |
Point | v | Appoint |
Pointing-end | n | Gable-end |
Poisonous Tea Plant | n | Woody Nightshade |
Pokeassin | v | Stalking |
Poker | n | Pochard |
Poke-Hole | n | Hovel |
Pokum | n | Procrastinator |
Poland | n | Cow, hornless |
Poleaps | n | Hasp |
Polisser | n | Smock-frock |
Poll-sheep | n | Sheep, hornless |
Pollard | n | Post, large |
Pollards | n | Peas and beans growing together, crop of |
Polled | adj | Hornless |
Polly | n | Pollard tree |
Polly-doddle | n | Man, effeminate |
Polly Wig | n | Tadpole |
Pollysquiggle | n | Cuttlefish |
Polly-Andrews | n | Polyanthus |
Polt (1) | v | Scrump |
Polt (2) | v | Shave |
Pomace | n | Apple must |
Pome | n | Rabbit, young |
Pomewater | n | Apple, variety of |
Pommy-Stone | n | Pumice-stone |
Pomp | v | Promise |
Pompey | n | Kettle |
Pomple | adj | Trustworthy |
Pomster | v | Practice medicine without a license |
Pond-skater | n | Common Sandpiper |
Pontch | v | Tread in mud |
Ponted | adj | Bruised (of fruit) |
Pooch | n | Pout |
Pook (1) | n | Haystack |
Pook (2) | v | Kick |
Pool | n | Granary |
Pool-Reed | n | Common Reed |
Poord | n | Pole used by snipe-shooters |
Poorie | n | Term of endearment |
Poorish | adj | Substandard |
Pootchin | n | Seed-bag |
Pope (1) | n | Red-backed Shrike |
Pope (2) | n | Poppy |
Poppers | n | Foxglove |
Poppet | n | Head-stock of lathe |
Popping | n | Chatter, idle |
Popple (1) | n | Pebble |
Popple (2) | v | Bubble |
Poppy (1) | n | Greater Stitchwort |
Poppy (2) | n | Foxglove |
Poppy-show | n | Peep show |
Population | n | Palpitation |
Pore (1) | n | Fuss |
Pore (2) | v | Stuff |
Porker | n | Pig, fattened |
Porket | n | Pig, fattened |
Porpin | n | Hedgehog |
Post Alone | adj | All alone |
Postman's Knock | v | Sliding on ice, method of |
Posty | n | Post |
Pote | v | Punt (with foot) |
Potecary | n | Apothecary |
Pother | n | Disturbance |
Potted butter | n | Butter salted and preserved in a pot |
Potteryware | n | Earthenware |
Pottle | v | Trifle |
Pottle-bellied | adj | Pot-bellied |
Pougy | n | Ferret |
Poult | n | Game bird, young |
Poults | n | Peas and beans growing together, crop of |
Pounceful | adj | Masterful |
Pounding | n | Grinding stone into sand |
Poundmeal | adv | By the pound |
Pour | n | Downpour |
Poverty-weed | n | Purple cow-wheat |
Povey | n | Barn Owl |
Powerful | adj | Considerable |
Powse | n | Pulses |
Powsen | n | Trellis (in orchards) |
Prade | n | Chat |
Praent | adj | Arch |
Prajant | adj | Swaggering |
Prank (1) | v | Prance |
Prank (2) | v | Decorate |
Prankle (1) | n | Prawn |
Prankle (2) | v | Prance |
Prate-a-pace | n | Chatterbox |
Prawch | v | Swagger |
Pray | n | Pin, thatcher's |
Prayers of the Church | n | Last rites |
Preach | v | Chatter |
Preachment | n | Sermon |
Preamble | n | Story, rambling |
Preciouser | adj | Dearer (in price) |
Predney | adv | Presently |
Prene | n | Pan, iron |
Present | n | White spot on fingernail |
Preservation | n | Perspiration |
President | n | Pool near stable |
Press | adj | Impressed |
Press-boards | n | Boards between which Woodstock gloves are pressed |
Preventive | n | Coastguard |
Previous | adj | Early |
Prial | n | Trio |
Pricked | adj | Annoyed |
Pricker | n | Tracker |
Prickleback | n | Stickleback |
Pride of the Morning | n | Mist, early morning |
Pright | adj | Upright |
Prill (1) | n | Stream |
Prill (2) | v | Sour (of beer) |
Primed | adj | Drunk |
Primrose-Parings | n | Narcissus |
Prin | v | Take |
Prink | v | Primp |
Prinkle | n | Periwinkle (flower) |
Pritch | v | Prick |
Pritchel | n | Hedge-stake |
Privet | v | Pry |
Privileged | adj | Private |
Prize | v | Price |
Proach | v | Poach |
Processioning | v | Beating the bounds |
Proctor | n | Renter |
Procure | v | Cure bacon |
Prodigal | adj | Conceited |
Profets | n | Boots, buttoned |
Proffer | v | Dodge |
Profligate | adj | Prolific |
Profolium | n | Sea-Pink |
Promiscuous | adv | Accidentally |
Promp | adj | Spirited (of horse) |
Prong-handle | n | Handle for forks |
Pronged | adj | Flawed (of scythe-blade) |
Proof-Maggot | n | Gadfly larva |
Proovier | n | Improver |
Prophets, my saints and | int | Exclamation of surprise |
Protect | v | Detect |
Proudness | n | Pride |
Prugian | adj | Dapper |
Prussian's Caps | adj | Pink Garden Balsam |
Publican | n | Marsh Marigold |
Pucelle | n | Woman, young |
Puck (1) | n | Pixie |
Puck (2) | n | Haystack |
Puckeridge | n | Nightjar |
Puckets | n | Nests, caterpillars' |
Puckfeist | n | Devil's Snuffbox (plant) |
Pud | n | Fist |
Pudbeggar | n | Water Spider |
Puddeny | adj | Chubby |
Pudder | n | Squabble |
Pudgy | adj | Watery |
Pue | n | Udder |
Puffer | n | Puff-ball |
Puffish | adj | Conceited |
Pug (1) | n | Monkey |
Pug (2) | n | Brick-earth |
Pug (3) | n | Dwarf |
Pug (4) | v | Pull |
Pug (5) | v | Crush |
Pugging | n | Gable-end |
Puggings | n | Chaff |
Pug-In-A-Primmel | n | Oxlip |
Pug-Tooth | n | Canine tooth |
Pulch | v | Stalk |
Pule | v | Whimper |
Pulfered | adj | Dusty |
Pulk | n | Puddle |
Pulking | adj | Stout |
Pulleree-Alleree | n | Dowlas |
Pully-Haul | v | Pull |
Pulp | n | Fodder for cattle |
Pulse | n | Peas and beans growing together, crop of |
Pum | v | Pummel |
Pumble | v | Push up |
Pummel-head | n | Blockhead |
Pump-pit | n | Well |
Pumple | n | Pimple |
Pumple-Foot | n | Club-foot |
Pumptial | adj | Punctual |
Pun | n | Pinafore |
Punch | v | Work hard |
Punctual | n | Truthful |
Pung | v | Pound |
Punish | v | Impoverish |
Punishment | n | Misery |
Punyear | v | Peruse |
Puppy Dog's Mouth | n | Yellow Toadflax |
Pur | n | Lamb, castrated male |
Purbeck-Portland | n | Portland stone quarried on the Isle of Purbeck |
Pure | adj | Healthy |
Purely | adv | Extremely |
Purgatory | n | Fender (of fireplace) |
Purgy (1) | adj | Podgy |
Purgy (2) | adj | Sullen |
Purl | v | Purr |
Purly | adj | Partially sighted |
Purple | n | Potato, variety of |
Purry | adj | Spongy (of turnips) |
Purse | n | Freshwater Mussel |
Purt | v | Pout |
Purtenance | n | Offal |
Purvizer | adv | Proviso, with a |
Purwattle | n | Hedge, splashed |
Push | n | Pimple |
Pusky | adj | Asthmatic |
Pussikey | adj | Napoleon complex, having a |
Pussivanting | adj | Busy-work |
Pussy | adj | Bloated |
Pussyvan | n | Tantrum |
Putchen | n | Eel-basket |
Putchkin | n | Bottle, wicker |
Pute | v | Impute |
Puthery | adj | Sultry |
Putt (1) | n | Cart |
Putt (2) | n | Molehill |
Putt (3) | n | Salmon-trap |
Putty-medal | n | Reward, false |
Puvvat | n | Blossom, mass of |
Puxy | adj | Quagmire |
Puzzlement | n | Puzzle |
Puzzomful | adj | Spiteful |
Pyer | n | Handrail on footbridge |