Wab | n | Tongue |
Waddle (1) | n | Waning (of moon) |
Waddle (2) | v | Swaddle |
Waddle (3) | v | Drag (river) |
Waddy | adj | Matted |
Wade | v | Bathe |
Wadge | v | Wager |
Wadmel | n | Cloth, coarse woollen |
Waffel-Way | n | Bridle-Path |
Waffle | v | Gossip |
Waft | n | Barrel |
Wage (1) | n | Wages |
Wage (2) | v | Wager |
Wagmire | n | Quagmire |
Wagon-Calf | n | Veal Calf |
Wagoner | n | Head Ploughman |
Wagtails | n | Quaking-Grass |
Wag-Wants | n | Quaking-Grass |
Wairsh | adj | Bland |
Wake At Noon | n | Star of Bethlehem (flower) |
Wale | n | Ridge of fresh-cut hay |
Walker's Bus | adj | On foot |
Walking Pay | n | Sick Pay |
Wall-Brown | n | Butterfly, species of |
Wallage | n | Heap |
Wallashy | adj | Crumbly (of potatoes) |
Wallet (1) | n | Handbag |
Wallet (2) | n | Brushwood |
Wallow (1) | v | Wither |
Wallow (2) | adj | Insipid |
Wallowish | adj | Insipid |
Wally | v | Rake hay into lines |
Walve | v | Wallow |
Wame | n | Stomach |
Wampy | adj | Shaky (of timber) |
Wane | n | Unevenness (of boards) |
Wang (1) | n | Front rack of plough |
Wang (2) | v | Faint |
Wangery | adj | Flaccid |
Wanty | n | Belly-band of horse |
Wap | v | Bark |
Wapper | v | Flutter |
Wappered | adj | Tired |
Wapper-Eyed | adj | Boggle-eyed |
Wapple-Way | n | Bridle-Path |
Wap-Eyed | adj | Bleary-eyed |
War | adj | Worse |
Ward | v | Guard |
Wardship | n | Wagtail |
Ware | n | Seaweed |
Warf | v | Warp |
Warlock (1) | n | Common Mustard |
Warlock (2) | v | Tighten rope of wagon |
Warney | n | British Bulldog (game) |
Warning | n | Omen |
Warp | v | Give birth (of livestock) |
Warrantable | adj | Five years old or over (of stag) |
Warrior | n | Wallflower |
Wart-Flower | n | Greater Celandine |
Warth | n | Meadow |
Warty-Well | n | Hangnail |
Wase | n | Bundle of hay or straw, small |
Washamouth | n | Blabbermouth |
Washer | n | Gum disease in horses |
Wasset | n | Scarecrow |
Wassle | n | Muddle |
Wasteable | adj | Wasteful |
Wasting | n | Decline in health |
Watchet | n | Garment, ill-fitting |
Wattling | n | Fence made of twigs |
Watty | adj | Left-handed |
Wavewind | n | Greater Bindweed |
Wawl | v | Wail |
Way | int | Whoa |
Wayzgoose | n | Greylag Goose |
We's | pron | Our |
Wee | int | Whoa |
Weak | v | Whimper |
Weak as Well Water, Zoo | adj | Weak |
Weald | v | Mow |
Weamish | adj | Squeamish |
Wean-Year | n | Calf, suckling |
Weasand | n | Windpipe |
Weath | adj | Piable |
Weaving-Tuesday | n | Tuesday before Palm Sunday |
Weazel | n | Wurzel |
Wedge | n | Hatchet |
Weed | n | Curmudgeon |
Weekenday | n | Weekday |
Weel | n | Eel-trap, wicker |
Ween | v | Whine |
Weep | v | Chirp |
Weeping Willow | n | Common Laburnum |
Weepy | adj | Moist |
Wees, Make | v | Imagine |
Weet | v | Chirp |
Weet-Pot | n | Sausage |
Weeze | v | Moisten |
Wee-Wow | adj | Crooked |
Wehaven | int | Call made by harvesters when crying the neck |
Weighing Cheese | v | Carrying a child in joined hands of two people |
Weight-Stone | n | Weight, Iron |
Well | v | Pare turf |
Well-A-Fine | adv | Very well |
Welshman's Hug | n | Itch |
Welshnut | n | Walnut |
Welted | adj | Quilted |
Wenchin | n | Girl |
Wenk | n | Well, sunken |
Went (1) | n | Block of fulling-stock |
Went (2) | n | Teasel, used |
Werret | n | Wart |
Werve | v | Swerve |
Wer-Ound | n | Hoar-Hound |
West | n | Stye |
Wester | adj | Westward |
Westwardmen | n | Sailors to Lundy |
Weun | int | Call to oxen to turn plough |
Wever | adv | However |
Wevet | n | Cobweb |
Weys-And-Bodkins | n | Spreaders (of plough harness) |
Whaffle | v | Gobble |
Whang | v | Wrench |
Whappet | n | Slap |
Wharrow | n | Pulley, small |
What-Nosed | adj | Red-Nosed |
Wheeler | n | Wheelwright |
Wheeling | adj | Pouring (of rain) |
Whelm | v | Overturn |
Whelve | v | Overturn |
Whenny-Meg | n | Trinket |
Whensomever | conj | Whenever |
Where | conj | Whether |
Wherrit | n | Punch |
Wherve | n | Joint |
Whetile | n | Green Woodpecker |
Whetstone, Zoo Blue as a | adj | Conservative |
Whew | n | Wigeon |
Whibble | v | Lie |
Whichy | pron | Which |
Whicker | v | Whinny |
Whiff | v | Fish with line from boat |
Whiffle | v | Rustle |
Whiffles | n | Whipple-tree of plough |
Whift | n | Whiff |
Whilaim | adv | Venture, at a |
Whilk | v | Mutter |
Whim (1) | n | Wheel worked by horses (mining) |
Whim (2) | n | Brow (of hill_ |
Whimmy | adj | Capricious |
Whimper | v | Pant (of dog) |
Whimsey | n | Delusion |
Whim-Stone | n | Quernstone |
Whingel | v | Whimper |
Whinnel | v | Whine |
Whinny (1) | n | Struggle |
Whinny (2) | v | Induce |
Whinny-Meg | n | Trinket |
Whippence | n | Whipple-tree of plough |
Whipper | n | Whipple-tree of plough |
Whipper-Snapper | adj | Nimble |
Whippintree | n | Whipple-tree of plough |
Whirgle | v | Twirl |
Whirler | n | Gaiters |
Whirly-Go-Round | n | Merry-Go-Round |
Whirlypuff | n | Dust Devil |
Whirr | v | Throw overhand |
Whirra | n | Pinion |
Whirry-Go-Nimble | adj | Fancy-Schmancy |
Whish | int | Hush |
Whisking | adj | Massive |
Whister | v | Whisper |
Whister-Clister | n | Blow |
Whit | v | Play the flute |
Whiten | v | Whitewash |
Whiteybrown | adj | Beige |
Whither | adj | Powerful |
Whitney | n | Mealy Guelder-Rose |
Whitrack | n | Weasel |
Whittaker | n | Quartz, variety of |
Whitten-Beam | n | Whitebeam |
Whitter (1) | v | Chatter |
Whitter (2) | v | Trickle |
Whittle | n | Mantle |
Whitty | n | Whitethroat |
Whitty-Tree | n | Mealy Guelder-Rose |
Whizzer | n | Hydro-Extractor |
Whizzle | v | Whizz along |
Whiz-A-Gig | n | Prank |
Whoop | n | Hoop |
Whooper | v | Shout |
Whorage | n | Brothel |
Whores-Hunting | n | Skimmety |
Whort | n | Whortleberry |
Whortleberry | n | Cranberry |
Whosen | pron | Whose |
Whumper | n | Whopper |
Whup | int | Call to horse |
Wibbit | n | Roof slate, size 5 |
Wick | n | Week |
Wicked | adj | Foul--Mouthed |
Wicker (1) | n | Ear |
Wicker (2) | v | Castrate (ram) |
Wicker (3) | v | Twitch (of eyelids) |
Widderpoll | n | Simpleton |
Widdery-Minded | adj | Vacillating |
Widdock | n | Twiglet |
Widdy-Waddy | adj | Vacillating |
Wideness | n | Width |
Widower's Peak | n | Widow's Peak |
Wigg | n | Bun |
Wiggen | n | Mountain Ash |
Wig-Wagon | n | Quaking-Grass |
Wildego | n | Wildman |
Wildenow’s Fern | n | Shield-Fern |
Wilding | n | Crab-Apple |
Wilger | n | Common Osier |
Will | n | Wish |
Willis | n | Rivulet |
Willock | n | Guillemot |
Willok | n | Periwinkle (shellfish) |
Willy | n | Wool-Carder |
Wilter | v | Wither |
Wiltshire Disorder | n | Scrapie |
Wiltshire Eye | n | Colour of eye between grey and hazel, common in Wiltshire |
Wiltshire Weed | n | Elm |
Wim | v | Winnow |
Wimberry | n | Whortleberry |
Wimble-Stock | n | Drill |
Wimble-Wamble | adj | Waddling |
Wimbling | adj | Spindly (of plants) |
Wimmet | v | Whimper |
Wimmock | v | Coax |
Wimp | v | Whimper |
Wimper | v | Coddle |
Win | v | Winnow |
Wince | v | Prance (of horse) |
Winch-Well | n | Well, bottomless |
Windle (1) | n | Redwing |
Windle (2) | v | Dwindle |
Windore | n | Window |
Wind-Cock | n | Hay-Cock |
Wind-Thrush | n | Redwing |
Wing-Wang | n | Quaking-Grass |
Wink | n | Winch |
Winky, Like | n | In the blink of an eye |
Wink-A-Pussy | n | Owl |
Winnard | n | Redwing |
Winnick | n | Anything diminutive |
Winnow Taters, Blow enough to | v | Blow hard (of wind) |
Winny | v | Fear |
Wint | n | Mesh |
Wintle-End | n | End of shoemaker's thread |
Wipe | n | Faggot,wooden |
Wippul-Squip | n | Cow-Parsnip, hollow stalk of |
Wirral | n | Black Horehound |
Wise | n | Pretence |
Wish | n | Stye |
Wisht-Hounds | n | Hounds, spectral |
Wisket | n | Twig |
Wit | n | Intelligence |
Wit In Anger | n | Escape, hasty |
Witch | n | Elm, young |
Witchify | v | Bewitch |
Witch-Hazel | n | Wych-Elm |
Wite | n | Blame |
Witherdy | adj | Withered |
Witherful | adj | Wilful |
Witherguess | adj | Different |
Witherly (1) | adj | Withered |
Witherly (2) | adj | Wilful |
Withers | sb | Reedy Meadow-Grass |
Withouten | prep | Without |
Withywind | n | Great Bindweed |
Witt | adj | Fit |
Witty | adj | Wise |
Witwall | n | Great Spotted Woodpecker |
Wivel | v | Hover |
Wiver | v | Shake |
Woadman | n | Woad farmer |
Wob Off | int | Call to horse to back away |
Woblet | n | Handle of hay-knife |
Woky | adj | Moist |
Wol | n | Hole |
Wold (1) | n | Forest, open |
Wold (2) | adj | Rural |
Woller | v | Press down grass |
Wolpy | adj | Souring |
Wondersome | adj | Wonderful |
Wont | v | Yoke |
Woodcock Owl | n | Short-Eared Owl |
Woodwall | n | Green Woodpecker |
Wooster-Blister | n | Slap |
Woot (1) | int | Go right (to horse) |
Woot (2) | v | Bray |
Wopperdy | adj | Drunk |
Wordify | v | Words, Put into |
Wordle | n | World |
Workaday | n | Weekday |
Working | n | Honeycomb |
Workish | adj | Industrious |
Work-Bracco | adj | Industrious |
Wormit | n | Wormwood |
Wornil | n | Lump in skin of cattle produced by gadfly larva |
Worra | n | Pulley, grooved |
Worse than Dirty Butter | adj | Awful |
Worsest | adj | Worst |
Worst | v | Worsen |
Worther | pron | Other |
Worthy | adj | Able |
Worth-Sparrow | n | Worth, Inhabitant of |
Wosbird | n | Bastard |
Wosset | n | Runt |
Wot | adj | Hot |
Woth | n | Oath |
Wothering | adv | Otherwise |
Wounded | adj | Ulcerated |
Woundily | adv | Exceedingly |
Woundy | adv | Exceedingly |
Wozzle | v | Trample |
Wrack | n | Vengeance |
Wrag | v | Accuse |
Wran | n | Wren |
Wrangle (1) | v | Scream |
Wrangle (2) | v | Fester |
Wrangy | adj | Wrong |
Wrapped | adj | Creased |
Wrapper | n | Overall |
Wrappy | adj | Crumpled |
Wrast | n | Wrath |
Wrastle | v | Wrestle |
Wrathy | adj | Angry |
Wraxle | v | Wrestle |
Wreath | n | Wattle |
Wren's Flower | n | Herb Robert |
Wrenock | n | Dwarf |
Wrest | v | Sprain |
Wride (1) | n | Cow, spotted-faced |
Wride (2) | v | Expand |
Wriggler | n | Sand-Eel |
Wright | v | Repair |
Wrile | v | Fidget |
Wrine | n | Wrinkle |
Wringle | v | Writhe |
Wrinkle | n | Periwinkle (flower) |
Wrizzled | adj | Shrivelled |
Wrizzly | adj | Shrivelled |
Wug | int. | Call to horse to go forward |
Wugd | int | Call to horse to go right |
Wulve | v | Ring (of bell) |
Wun | n | Stye |
Wurd | v | Hoard |
Wurraw | int | Hurrah |
Wuzz | n | Hoarseness |